Just looked through the Legacy Sports 2019 catalogue and all M1500 223 are 1-8 twists.
Mini Action is still 1-9 twist so good to 70 grains.
Just looked through the Legacy Sports 2019 catalogue and all M1500 223 are 1-8 twists.
Mini Action is still 1-9 twist so good to 70 grains.
Warm Barrels!
have you seen one pop up in 300blk thats stainless yet?
I'd be interested to know what the chamber length / freebore dimensions are on these new 1:8" twists.
Have they been designed to allow full use of long for calibre .224 bullets?
Who has got one of these, a heavy / high BC bullet and a OAL gauge? How's about a quick measure up?
And how long is the internal magazine?
I can't make full use of the chamber length on my Howa 6.5CM (2.927" touching lands) because the internal mag only allows for 2.850" with a bit of give for smoothing reloading. Annoying!
Doesn't really matter though cos the rifle's plenty accurate for 600-700m goats.
Yeah @berg243 and @300_BLK, The catalogue lists the Mini Action proper (pg 13) as a 1:8" twist .223, but the Mini Lite (pg 9) as a 1:9".
There was a thread on this not long ago and if I remember correctly someone photographed the barrel with 1:8" twist? It's very confusing because Howa USA is still showing all .223s as being 1:9".
I am going to email them and ask.
And kind of roughly on the same topic does anyone know if these HTI stocks are just Hogue stocks with a different name?
Okay I need to go to the shop and have a bit of a feel up.... ooo errr... if Howa has finally ditched the Hogue stocks that is a good thing, really don't want to find they've gone for another version of the flexi forend phenomenon.
Not sure when they will get here, but Howa are doing a tight twist 6mm Creedmore in the US. Would make a nice practical match gun.
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OK, just received a bit of a pass-the-parcel type response from Legacy Sports. Four different people involved... none of whom seem to like actually reading the question properly. It would appear that yes, the twist rates have been changed for both Mini Action and Short Action .223, from 1:9" to 1:8".
Key information is all .223 barrels are 1:8" twist from serial number B510731 and up.
The twist rate may or may not be stamped on the barrel. In other words she doesn't know.
do 1-8" twists still shoot 55gr loads well?