Out of interest, has anyone had any issues with their Howa carbon stocks? I have two friends, one with a Superlite and one with a Elevate, that have had the rear swivel stud pull out of the stock. One at a very unfortunate moment.
Out of interest, has anyone had any issues with their Howa carbon stocks? I have two friends, one with a Superlite and one with a Elevate, that have had the rear swivel stud pull out of the stock. One at a very unfortunate moment.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Ya first problem is taking any notice of what Mr "Internet professor of Bullshit" has to say, a mate showed me a couple of his vids one night & the only thing they're good for is putting you to sleep, fuk me he likes looking down the lens & wanking on more than a Budgie with a mirror.
I skipped through most of the waffle but did enjoy his "two shot" group philosophy that's very scientific aye hahahaha what a cock.
I love my Howa SL, no problems with the stock, it's bedding ( pretty basic ) is fine for purpose & mine shoots great, I've never had an issue with my studs, but than have been working all the time since I got it so have only done range sessions & I don't use a sling ( I hate the farken things )
He's a post I made on the GunPorn section, sums up my thoughts
The Howa Superlight is an awesome rifle for the money if you're after the "lightest bang for buck"
Pro's - Stock feels great & has a decent LOP for a super LW, trigger is fine & breaks plenty clean enough for it's purpose ( it's a lw med - big game rifle, no a comp or varmint gun ), you can now get Talleys for it, mine shoots factory ammo just under an inch @ a hundy yards ( impressive for a cheap light weight rifle ) & best of all it's farken light - did I mention that already ?
Con's - Ditch the shit arsed looking rail ( wtf were they thinking ) butt pad rubber fit's a bit off, the plastic mag fitting is a little shite & the bolt slide is sticky az but for the dollars fuk me I can't complain
I was running mine with a real lw scope but now running something ( what may look a bit over sized but far more useful for what I want, still under six pound at 2.69kg with the 18x Z5i ) 20" 6.5CM
Last edited by Philipo; 16-12-2023 at 05:04 PM.
Shoot it, root it & then BBQ it !!!
I had a quick play with one and agree the bolt didn't feel anywhere near as smooth as my howa 1500 or weatherby vanguard.
Pack out heavy
Shame, could have been a very good product.
@Pillipo."Ya first problem is taking any notice of what Mr "Internet professor of Bullshit" has to say, a mate showed me a couple of his vids one night & the only thing they're good for is putting you to sleep, fuk me he likes looking down the lens & wanking on more than a Budgie with a mirror.
I skipped through most of the waffle but did enjoy his "two shot" group philosophy that's very scientific aye hahahaha what a cock."
Agree with you on that one. What a cock. Don't own one but shot two of them now, one 308, the other 6.5 CM. No problems with them apart from caliber (6.5CM), both shot sub-moa @ 100yds off my bumbag for a rest. If I could get one in 223 I'd probably have one.
My.one has shot lights out from day one. That fella doesn't know how to shoot a lightweight rifle to begin with.
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Sticky bolts need more shooting,round the edges off.
My original post was not about the overall merits of the rifle (if they made a left handed on I would probably own one) but specifically about the rear swivel stud. More of a warning han anything I guess. I only know two people that own them (one is a professional hunter) and both have had the rear stud pull out. In both cases Howa are replacing the stock but iif your Z8 lands square on a big rock when this happens Howa arent goiing to replace that.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
So is Mr "Internet professor of Bullshit" wrong about the stock in addition to being a bore? The sticky action I might be able to live with.
Well yes n no, I'd never heard of "Stocky" rifle stocks before this year, It's a mass produced item & to get a full ultra lightweight gun for 2.3k I'm not expecting perfection ( probably made in Mexico or the likes ) but mine is fine, I've had very expensive carbon stocks that needed bedding so is what it is. There's quite a price jump to the next super LW, if Kimbers were still being imported they would be well over 4k for their sub 5lb bang sticks or go to well over 6k for a Sako etc which are heavier, I'd love a new Weatherby but living on the bum of the world we are forgotten by some manufactures
My one looks good az for what it is, barrel is full free floating & beds down fine, the best thing & worst thing with the "Howa Superlight" is it's a Howa, What a shit run company, probably has the worst website & info of any rifle manufacturer in the world, everything they do seems to be half arsed, Mine came in a blank brown box ( apparently sometimes they put two into the one box ) hahahaha
Re old mate, In the video, He apparently has bedded 70 -80 rifles so a walk in the park for him, he'll have it shooting one hole pairs in no time hahahaha
Shoot it, root it & then BBQ it !!!
Plenty of rifle stocks have issues with swivel studs pulling out over the years. Epoxy/Loktite the buggers in place if there’s any doubt about security. I don’t have much faith in carbon fibre after seeing how easy it breaks at times, but anything will break if you’re rough enough I guess.
Have a look at this. @Fishermans carbon stocks are very solid as well as light.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.