After losing my semi 223 in the steal-back I bought a Howa 1500 package in .223. Came fitted with a Nikko Stirling scope and Sonic 45 suppressor. Only mods done was to fit a Boyds laminated stock which I've slightly altered to suit my grip and barrel shortened to 16".This rifle shoots 1 moa @300yds (electronic target, NRANZ range) resting on bumbag (6 shots in 20 seconds) so is reasonably accurate. Used mainly for goat control work as well as general hunting. Mostly used for bush hunting but have shot goats out to 468 m without drama. So I reckon the rifle is good value for money,accurate for what I do and able to take hard knocks.They are a bit heavy but you get used to it.
As an aside, some people scoff at Nikko Stirling scopes but this thing has taken some punishment getting dropped/knocked about regularly and hasn't let me down.Only niggle is the reticule is half mil dot and dials in moa but you get used to it.
The Sonic suppressor has been a bit of a let down. It works ok but the barrel isolator pin-holed and started to mark the barrel and yes, I remove from rifle when not in use. Waiting for replacement so using Gunworks one for now.
After approx. 800 rounds thru the rifle I'm happy enough with it and would recommend one to anyone looking for an accurate ,reliable rifle at a reasonable price.