Score alright. I tried to post to the 270 thread last night but it got lost . . .but it's worthwhile to mention it here. In the early eighties I spent quite a bit of time up at the Leith Valley range as RO.
Many times I'd encounter a bloke with a (often 270) or other fairly high power rifle that he couldn't shoot, and usually blaming the rifle. If you watched these guys you could see they had a flinch/were gunshy. I'd offer to take thie rifle and shoot agroup and get it sighted in at 100 . . . . I got a lot of free shooting.
As @csmiffy pointed out in the 270 thread, the laws of physics do not allow a 270 to kick more than any other cartridge with 60 gns powder and a 130 or 150 gn projectile (all other things being equal, particularly stock design). What was getting these boys was the sharp muzzle blast a 270 often produces. Back in the day when H4381 and the like were the goto powders for 270 etc you'd often see a hell of a muzzle flash as well, which I now feel probably equates to a high muzzle pressure.
The answer back then I found (and its the same today) was use the best possible earmuff's for range shooting and make sure they fit properly. I've had flinch issues at various times but always get back on track by ensuring I have the best ear protection when practicing.
Currently I shoot an unsuppressed 7x64 quite a bit, its in the 7mm Rem mag class powerwise, but the recoil is quite manageable on the range with good position (I wouldn't like to fire long strings prone for example) and hearing protection.