Cool I'll check them out!
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Well I've got a good old Stirling .22mag bolt action. It shoots straighter than I can. Awesome on bunnies and hares where a centrefire is just too much, to far
Put a decent scope on any you're sorted.
Is the .22mag a dieing Cal? There's not many in the shops.
I think its because of the price of the ammo I sold mine and did the next step up and use a 22hornet and love it got 2 now its OK up to goats I'd use it on fallow as well but not on doc land
Nice. Looking for a standard barrel 22 mag but it's really just reliability and accuracy over brand
I do like the suggestion of Wierauch 60j / Krico. 301 Very good but not cheap. If price is an issue, Stirling used to make a decent one for the coin...
Man not thinking straight.
Buy a 223
That Krico on TM. .22 Magnum Krico | Trade Me
Pretty much. With the price of 22mag and 223rem ammo so close I went straight to the 223. Way more versatile when something a little bigger pops up too. With head shots I still get to take hare and rabbit meat home with good shot placement, well at least when I remember to stop and grab some.
Own both, but .22 mag doesn't see daylight too often anymore, I can hand load .223 for about the same price or less...
17 HMR!!
that 222 sako thats just listed here is what you want beautiful looking thing it is