Forum: Firearms, Optics and Accessories

Forum: Firearms, Optics and Accessories

  1. Sticky Thread Sticky: Gun Porn, show off your new toys

    Started by Philipo‎, 05-12-2011 10:06 PM
    610 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 610
    • Replies: 9,143
    • Views: 2,909,965
    28-02-2025, 09:12 AM Go to last post
  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: Shipping Firearms: Firearm Dealers Network

    Started by gimp‎, 15-05-2019 09:31 PM
    3 Pages
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    • Replies: 41
    • Views: 62,451
    10-01-2025, 12:40 PM Go to last post
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: Forum Chronies

    Started by Philipo‎, 21-08-2012 11:33 PM
    3 Pages
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    • Replies: 37
    • Views: 80,731
    02-02-2019, 03:40 PM Go to last post
  1. sks, suppressed , subs?

    Started by ANTSMAN‎, 11-09-2012 02:39 PM
    22lr, 308, 30cal, action, ar15, barrel, bolt, bullet, bullets, busting, cal, cleaning, e-cat, face, fired, gas, hunting, loads, pic, pressure, rifle, rifles, road, rounds, safe, semi, shot, skk, sks, subs, subsonic, suppressed, top
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 2,230
    14-09-2012, 10:32 PM Go to last post
  2. Tenebraex 'tactical tough' flip up caps.

    Started by gimp‎, 10-09-2012 10:27 PM
    buy, creek, guns, models, pics, product, rabbits, range, scopes, sell, shooting, tac, tactical, trip
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,921
    13-09-2012, 10:00 PM Go to last post
  3. Question What sort of 223?

    Started by gadgetman‎, 12-09-2012 05:15 PM
    3 Pages
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    .22, .270, 12g, 17hmr, 223, 22lr, 30-06, 7mm, 7mm-08, accurate, barrel, bolt, box, browning, bullets, cz527, deer, empty, floor plate, goats, gun bag, gunworks, howa, hunt, japanese, led, lite, mags, marlin, pigs, pills, projectiles, rabbit, rabbits, reload, rem700, remington, rifle, rifles, rock river, rust, safe, sako, sharp, shooting, shortened, shot, single shot, sling, small game, smk, sonic, suppressed, table, tikka, tikka t3, top, trigger guard, varmint, vixen, wallabies, wooden
    • Replies: 30
    • Views: 9,727
    13-09-2012, 09:49 PM Go to last post
  4. Moisture in the gun safe

    Started by Steve338‎, 07-09-2012 10:15 PM
    3 Pages
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    accessories, away, bay, buy, charge, coast, cost, courier, electronic, freight, gun, gun safe, guns, gunsafe, north, parts, press, range, reloading, remington, rods, safe, safe moisture, sell, shoot, stock, supplies, target, trademe, visa
    • Replies: 34
    • Views: 7,824
    11-09-2012, 07:29 PM Go to last post
  5. Smile NZHS Beanie

    Started by 260rem‎, 15-05-2012 12:46 PM
    beanie, buy, crzyman, deer, ior, kiwigreg, nzhs, orange, pic
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,476
    10-09-2012, 11:21 PM Go to last post
  6. scope advice

    Started by uwish‎, 10-09-2012 12:58 PM
    2 Pages
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    .270, 10x42, 17hmr, 243, 3-9, 3-9x40, 300wsm, 308, 4-12x40, advice, burris, bushnell, buy, clearance, forum, german, gun, guns, hmr, hunt, leupold, optic, product, range, rangefinder, rem, reticle, rifle, rifle scope, round, scope, scopes, second hand, shot, spotting scope, thank you, tikka, tikka t3, top, tracking, viper, vortex, warranty, weaver, wsm
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 4,287
    10-09-2012, 10:39 PM Go to last post
  7. Spotting Scope?

    Started by Malhunting‎, 08-09-2012 06:41 PM
    binos, blind, box, brand, camp, deer, glassing, guides, hills, hunter, hunting, leica, leupold, nikon, optics, razor, recommendations, reviews, rifle, round, scale, scope, scopes, smaller, spotter, spotting scope, swaro, tent, vortex, weather
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 3,570
    09-09-2012, 09:16 PM Go to last post
  8. tikka half bolt mod.

    Started by greghud‎, 30-08-2012 08:47 PM
    action, bolt, bolt handle, deer, duley, engineering, grip, hardy, how to, mag, mod, pics, poi, rifle, rifles, safe, shooting, tikka, tikka bolt, tikka t3, youtube
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 5,137
    09-09-2012, 02:39 PM Go to last post
  9. 223 howa

    Started by Munsey‎, 04-09-2012 10:10 PM
    2 Pages
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    .22, 223, 30mm, action, away, bag, barrel, bipod, bunnies, bunnys, caliber, cans, cheap, deer, dpt, fired, gun, gun bag, gun works, howa, load, package, quiet, rabbits, radar, recoil, rifle, rounds, scope, shoot, shooting, shot, slug, suppressed, suppressor, suppressors, trade, wallabies, youtube
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 6,565
    09-09-2012, 09:55 AM Go to last post
  10. Double Rifle?

    Started by Spudattack‎, 04-09-2012 09:58 PM
    30-06, 375, 410, 45-70, accurate, action, baikal, barnes, black, blaser r93, bolt, box, build, caliber, death, double, firearm, gun, gunsmithing, howa, hunt, marlin, parts, photos, powder, rem mag, rifle, rifles, ruger, rust, safe, scope, shoot, shot, shotgun, sights, stock, trademe, tussock
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 2,669
    08-09-2012, 04:42 PM Go to last post
  11. In the market for new scope...opinions please.

    Started by HB.‎, 05-09-2012 10:57 PM
    2 Pages
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    300, 597, binos, blaser, browning, buy, ffp, howa, hunting, illuminated, iphone, leica, lightweight, loads, mag, mildot, mk1, opinions, range, remington, reticle, rifle, sako, schmidt and bender, schmidt bender, scope, scopes, swarovski, tikka, top, trademe, turret, usa, wellington, zeiss
    • Replies: 27
    • Views: 4,020
    07-09-2012, 09:14 AM Go to last post
  12. Nikon or Weaver

    Started by cmore‎, 06-09-2012 04:47 PM
    2 Pages
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    3-9x40, 300, 375, 7mm, 7mm rem mag, 7mm08, ballistics, black, brand, breaking, build, buy, chamios, courier, custom turrets, dial, gear, leupold, lifetime, load, mag, minox, monarch, nikon, optics, rem, rem mag, rifle, rifle scope, rifles, rounds, sako, scope, scopes, shooting, super, warranty, weaver
    • Replies: 21
    • Views: 4,491
    06-09-2012, 11:15 PM Go to last post
  13. Glasses

    Started by faregame‎, 04-09-2012 06:40 PM
    bucks, cheap, dead, safe, shooting
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,279
    06-09-2012, 06:22 PM Go to last post
  14. NEW LEICA CRF 1600-B range finder

    Started by 300MAG‎, 04-09-2012 08:50 PM
    .22, 223, 300mag, 7mm, accurate, belt, box, bright, burris, case, eliminator, feed, finder, fishing, goat, gun, gun shop, handheld, hills, hunting, laser, leica, leupold, mag, optics, pressure, product, rain, range, range finder, rangefinder, ranges, reviews, rifles, shooting, velocity, youtube
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 3,558
    06-09-2012, 03:44 PM Go to last post
  15. LR precision rifle suppressor

    Started by RCGSP‎, 04-09-2012 09:10 PM
    3 Pages
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    223, 243, 260, 300, 300 win, 300 win mag, 338, 6.5, 6.5mm, box, brake, brakes, build, cans, carbon, cases, centrefire, deer, delta, dpt, grs, gunworks, hardy, iron sights, kimber, kiwigreg, length, level, lifetime, long range, mag, magnum, mil, muzzle, muzzle brake, nova, powder, precision, pressure, quiet, range, recoil, rifle, rifles, rig, rust, shoot, sights, sonic, spotter, stock, stories, suppressor, suppressors, terminator, trg, warranty, win, win mag, youtube
    • Replies: 39
    • Views: 6,691
    06-09-2012, 01:09 PM Go to last post
  16. March scope dia

    Started by R93‎, 05-09-2012 09:36 PM
    2 Pages
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    accurate, body, boot, cascade, gun, iphone, lost, measurement, objective, scope, shoot, tasco, trip, weather
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 3,838
    06-09-2012, 12:55 PM Go to last post
  17. Advise re Finnlight

    Started by Dino‎, 03-09-2012 09:07 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    22., 243, 270wsm, 308, 7mm, 7mm08, accuracy, ammo, barrel, body, carbon, development, finnlight, hunt, inch, inserts, length, lite, load, match, mcmillan, model 7, muzzle, poi, range, remington, remington model 7, rifle, round, sako, shoot, shooting, short barrel, shortened, shot, sights, sling, stock, suppressor, supressor, target, trip, velocity, wsm
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 4,998
    06-09-2012, 12:12 AM Go to last post
  18. polishing the old boy

    Started by el borracho‎, 04-09-2012 04:52 PM
    army, black, catch, cleaning, ducks, gun, hook, how to, inch, matt, refinishing, rust, second hand, shot, shotgun, sounds, stock, valley
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 1,880
    05-09-2012, 04:18 PM Go to last post
  19. After something new

    Started by Bavarian_Hunter‎, 04-09-2012 01:25 AM
    .270, 30-06, 300, 300 win, 300 win mag, 338, 375, accuracy, advice, ballistics, barnes, bullet, buy, caliber, calibre, charge, coast, fallow, gun, hunting, lifetime, loading, mag, model 7, model 70, rebarrel, remington, remington model 7, remington model 700, sambar, scope, shoot, shooting, shot, sst, swarovski, top, trip, turret, wanted, west coast, win, win mag
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 1,771
    05-09-2012, 02:33 PM Go to last post
  20. Bi pod

    Started by Neckshot‎, 04-09-2012 09:30 PM
    accessories, bi-pod, bipod, body, gun, gun works, gunworks, harris, hunting, sell, shooting, spike, tac, tactical, top, trademe
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,230
    04-09-2012, 09:46 PM Go to last post


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