That's a nice little Remmy Nylon 66. Remember that model from the 60s but wasn't aware they made them until 1989. Remington made some interesting 22s. Really like their early 510/511/512/341 models - lovely old rifles. And more recently the Speedmaster 552 semiauto and Fieldmaster 572 pump. A Speedmaster I would like.
Had a Toz 17 go through the gun closet recently. Very simple rifle, durable and reliable. It shot pretty well - sub 1" groups at 50m with hunting ammos and that's dead bunnies at 100. Good old worker. Here's an excellent Toz 17 deal currently on trademe - ideal for field rifle. Super tidy, Bushnell Banner 3-9x, looks like steel rings, suppressor and two magazines - all for $300. Helluva deal...alot for your money.
There's a bloke up in Akld looking to get into bunny shooting - another thread. @Tall kiwi This Toz is well set up and would be a perfect learner/hunter.