That's quite a pile of hares Tiroahunta. What might you typically do with them?
Also... does your scope have parallax adjustment?.... or do you simply find a focus position on your add-on unit that works for you?
That's quite a pile of hares Tiroahunta. What might you typically do with them?
Also... does your scope have parallax adjustment?.... or do you simply find a focus position on your add-on unit that works for you?
Last edited by Coote; 30-12-2021 at 01:52 PM.
"Head shot commercial pet food, the rest house meat n frames for own dogs."
There is a lot of meat on an adult hare. And I reckon it can be pretty similar to venison. There is also something special to me about a hare.... dunno what exactly. Maybe it is because I have hunted them for so long. Call me weird, but some of the bigger ones seem to have a wise and almost mystical appearance.
Some friends have had their citrus trees chomped by hares on their lifestyle block. While their garden is surrounded by some fairly big paddocks, there are other houses nearby. I haven't used my .223 on the property because I don't want to create a panic or upset anyone. So up until getting the Sytong NV mounted on my .22, I've had to use a silenced .22 with a conventional scope and a spotlight. I've seen what I believe is one particular hare that has stayed out of reach of my .22. But last night I took the Ruger .22 / Sytong rig and was lucky to spot the hare within range.... and to have a fencepost I could rest on without touching the electric fence wires (which would have no doubt affected my accuracy). I was loaded with Winchester Subsonic 40 grain hollows..... the American made stuff. I was impressed with the terminal performance. As it turned out, that was one night of the year where I probably would have been OK to use the .223 as there were fireworks going off nearby.