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Thread: JW15 failure to extract

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    West of Christchurch

    JW15 failure to extract


    I have an older JW15b, and have shot maybe 2000 rds through it and it was second hand already. Smooth..
    But its getting a lot of failure to extracts, sometimes its every other round, sometimes its once in 20.
    I have completely stripped and cleaned the bolt, extractor, ejector, bolt face, scrubbed the crap out of the barrel with hoppes No9, brake cleaner, carb cleaner, you name it.
    But it doesn't go away, just random. But when it starts to occur then its every other round or thereabout.

    Anyone seen this problem? I don't want to get rid of a perfectly good rifle because I'm shooting most friday or sat evenings with it and its accurate, and handy.


  2. #2
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    different brand of ammo??????
    the old maverick .12ga would do same thing with falcon shells in cheddite cases as the rims on some are closer to 45 degrees than 90.. and extractor would slip over them without gripping.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Central Otago
    It is a common problem with .22 rifles and a real easy fix. Take off the spring circlip (carefully, don't stretch it) by prying it from the bottom edge with a fine screwdriver, remove the extractor (right hand claw) and make sure there is no build-up of crud under it, then with a very fine file sharpen the point of the claw with a couple of strokes on both faces at matching angles. You can also lightly file the underneath surface of the extractor slightly to allow it to sit in a bit and get a better grip on the cartridge. While the spring is off it pays to make sure the extractor helper (left hand claw) is clean. Do NOT get these two parts swapped around or the rifle will not eject at all.
    mudgripz, Bagheera, zimmer and 1 others like this.

  4. #4
    Member zimmer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Could be
    Roughness developed in the chamber
    Brand of ammo
    Wear on the end of extractor claw
    Weakened extractor claw spring
    Dry firing (if you do that and depending upon your firing pin protrusion) burr at start of chamber

    Will it extract an unfired round without problems?
    How are you getting them out - cleaning rod, small sharp screwdriver?
    How hard are they to get out?

    Ha ha ignore mine gundoc has it covered.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Mine would do it with Winchester power point

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Mine had just this.
    It got so you had to work the bolt quite vigorously to extract.

    Arthur Cleland went out the back shed and found two somewhat corrosion roughened "new" extractor claws, which I cleaned up with steel wool and installed (careful with the circlip). Problem went away immediately and permanently. I don't think it was due rough chamber, grunge or strange ammo.

    Yes, I'd try careful filing as GunDoc suggests. You don't have anything to loose.
    AzumitH and ZG47 like this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    West of Christchurch
    Stripped bolt yesterday, dropped in degreasing solution in the ultrasonic tank. Reassembled and lubricated appropriately.
    Extractor and ejector are ok.

    I use winchester ammo. Always have done.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Mine did the same, replaced extractor and came good. After a long while it started to do it again on some occasions. What I found was after a lot of shooting crud would build up in the chamber so a good scrub out with nitro solvent seems to fix the problem till its dirty again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    West of Christchurch
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmer View Post
    Could be
    Roughness developed in the chamber
    Brand of ammo
    Wear on the end of extractor claw
    Weakened extractor claw spring
    Dry firing (if you do that and depending upon your firing pin protrusion) burr at start of chamber

    Will it extract an unfired round without problems?
    How are you getting them out - cleaning rod, small sharp screwdriver?
    How hard are they to get out?

    Ha ha ignore mine gundoc has it covered.
    Extracts an unfired round fine.
    Had to use a cleaning rod today to remove them. 3 times in about 50 rds. Was using winchester power points, so low wax content.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    West of Christchurch
    Ok, pulled the bolt apart. Think I have found the issue.
    The corner is chipped on the extractor. See the left edge in the picture.

    Name:  20170225_180418-1.jpg
Views: 829
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  11. #11
    it looks burred to me as well

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Central Otago
    NO! The angled edge is there to allow the rim to slide up the bolt face when fed from the magazine without catching on the extractor claw. The edge of the extractor needs to be very sharp or it will slip off the rounds after they are fired as the pressure can change the radius of the rim if the chamber is slightly worn. Sticky fired cases are often the sign of a damaged chamber.

  13. #13
    If its burred it probably won't be sharp



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