looking at the option on my jw15 fitted into a boyds cz stock ? if someone can post a similar picture like below of the cz action would be much appreciated
looking at the option on my jw15 fitted into a boyds cz stock ? if someone can post a similar picture like below of the cz action would be much appreciated
no they are different. the triggers dont even close to ressemble eachother,
I think I tryed play this game when I had both and it was a No go, bolt hole spot differ I think
the brno model 2s fit the cz452 stocks with a little file out of the bolt slot
Can you get the boyds stock black, and get someone here to inlet it for you?
Nah I'm making my own now outta Mac inletting shouldn't b to hard
Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk 2
cool. post the result and steps, ill watch with interest
Never thaught of using Mac as a stock wood, got plenty of it around
what Id really like to try is a bit of Kanuka