What bits do you polish?
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What bits do you polish?
No rocket science to polishing/improving JWs..
Main thing is to check action for burrs - remove any on bolt and inside receiver. Then get dremel and smooth out machine marks on bottom of bolt as it runs over sear - usually a bit rough there. Then you can either adjust trigger to suit, or disassemble and polish components if rough. Then check magazine - is ramp moving up and down smoothly. If not, slide off bottom plate, take out spring and ramp and polish edges. Check and if necessary polish also inside of mag to remove burrs. Reassemble and keep mag lubed - a little bit of CRC every 2-3 shoots keep them performing well. From time to time some may also need a tweak to top feed lips.
Barrel chop I think I've described elsewhere - pretty simple really. I cut barrel 15-16" from front of receiver, then finish cut with wet and dry. Then take a round headed brass screw - fit it into drill, apply lapping/grinding compound, and drill bore end to create new crown. When it looks good (use a magnifying glass if necessary), check with cotton buds to ensure zero burrs. Bit of blue on barrel end. We've done heaps with this chop and recrown method and it always works. And from every example I can think of it improves accuracy - the shorties almost all sub 0.5" at best at 50m.
As a wee feature you can also scallop top of bolt elbow flat to enable better scope bell clearance, then wet and dry sand (800-1200 grit) the bolt handle completely free of all blue. Then give it a polish with autosol and you have a neat little stainless look bolt.
Larry is right, Norinco is the Chinese government's small arms exporting SOE. It is not a factory.
China has a lot of arms factories spread out over the its map - which is about the size of Europe. JW series rifles could be made anywhere.
EM332 was made in in the ErMei arms factory in Sichuan, someone told me that it had gone bankrupt about 10 years ago which is why EM332 is permanently discontinued. That would not have happened if EM332 was made by Norinco directly, would it?
Norinco JW-15 (Early Import...Marked M-4 Clayco, Kansas) 22LR copy of Brno #1 22" Barrel jw15 off the site Has the early model double adjustable trigger, magazines are interchangeable with CZ 452. Looking Attachment 264816Attachment 264819Attachment 264820forward to seeing how it shoots its an oldie but feels good nice and smooth rifling looks good, not going to do anything to it until I’ve tried it out. Comes with a Cz mag.
American import before Chinese arms were banned in the 1980s will see if there a piece of shit or not.
Should have said JW Firearms made here.
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