That's an interesting statement how do you know what I can and cant do regarding improving a rifle do I know you what's your proper name
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Also dont you find it strange that other people that have no connection to me unless you know better have also come to the same conclusion conspiracy perhaps
Just take it back its spilting cases and its very inaccurate
This means not only is it unfit for use but unsafe aswell
My first ever rifle was an outdoor arms jw15, apart from its rough looks it shoots well and has been my go to for magpies for the past 10 years.
They are good project guns to have a real good tinker with, I would love to get a CZ but my jw just keeps performing.
Post up a pic when you're done muzza, I've got a JW here that needs a bit of trimming. On the to do list...
I had the misfortune of buy a dud jw15 couple years ago , didn't have norinco printed on receiver just jw15-s so guessing was a knock off , anyway the thing sprayed like a shotgun tryed all sorts of ammo and the best it could do was 5 - 6" at 50m.
so it sat in safe for a year till i got bored one day and thought bugger it not much to lose , out came the hacksaw file and drill , cut her down to 11" filed her up , crowned her with a drill bit , mounted a vx1 on top that i had lying around and hey presto tack driver now , shoot Winchester 40gr sub 1-1.5" groups at 80m, very handy pointy wee thing , barks a bit for a 22 being that short but fun , rough as guts but hey it works !
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Yes trimming barrel is easy. Pop it into vice, measure 16" from receiver (or the length you want), cut off with hacksaw, tidy end with grinder or file/wet and dry etc, then put appropriate size round head brass screw in drill, and work into bore end with grinding/lapping paste to create new crown. Then check by putting cotton bud in and out of bore to ensure no burrs, perfect crown. Does it work - about 20 done and all but one sub 1" at 50m, and most around 0.4-0.5" groups.
Wow they should make barrels for walther
I bought a plastic one as a spare/ hack work rifle. It was seriously rough to cycle bolt etc but the first 500 rds sorted that out. Cycles brilliantly with the right mag but picky with others. Shoots like a lazer. One ragged hole at 25m with pretty much anything. I tend to use Powerpoints or CCI subbies. You certainly get what you pay for and you pays your money and takes your chances. Mine works brilliantly.
Looks like 'Bubba' went wholesale. Damn
I recall seeing a browning BLR in .243 in Buckleys sports shop in Timaru ABOUT 30 years ago...the bore was more off centre than that....surprised the heck out of me as have never seen centrefire off centre let alone as far off as the 243 was....
The JW15's are generally a solid bit of kit, sturdily made and shoot quite well, but the difference in individual rifles is in the quality of hand fitting and finishing which can vary from good to bad. The eccentrity of the bore is a fairly common thing in rifles and is of no real consequence in a field grade .22. Eccentricity of the muzzle and crown is a different thing altogether and needs to be corrected by shortening and recrowning correctly, recutting the suppressor thread accurately at the same time. Any competent gunsmith should be able to tune one up to give good performance. In my experience they are capable of 1-2 MOA which is pretty good in .22's.
the old toz rifle with the bell end muzzle, never seen one yet that was on center, sure shot good though