Thinking about getting Kaimai rifle built by Glen Maisey, in saying that I would request that the barrel is longer than 16 inches. Still has anyone had one and if so, what was your opinion..
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Thinking about getting Kaimai rifle built by Glen Maisey, in saying that I would request that the barrel is longer than 16 inches. Still has anyone had one and if so, what was your opinion..
If you’re asking if anyone has a short barreled rifle with a suppressor, lots of people have them. That one just has a custom twist and brand name.
To go down that route you commit to the entire bundle, or you could just pick and choose the different components yourself for a more customised end product.
was more a question of, was it a quality product /accurate etc etc
Havnt owned one but did consider it a while back. It is just a short barrelled tikka with a fast twist optimized for shooting subsonics. If that's your thing it might be a good option.
As for quality Dean Massey is up there with the best from what I hear.
Deans work is very good man. Lots of guys on here using a custom built by him, myself included.
Do you want to shoot subs?
Dean did the gunsmithing on my 300nm Alpine Precision organised for me a few years ago.
It was flawlesd from the day I recieved it till the day I sold it for something else
Unlike my previous experiences with our local guy
No not at all, wanted him to build me a custom 308 with a shortish barrel, he suggested the Kaimai rifle as it's cheaper ( also want to focus on heavy pills) I do have a potential T3X donor. though I don't want a 16 inch barrel was more thinking 19-20. perhaps that could be done.
3 full customs from Deane as @mikee has said flawless a lot of guys seem to fall short on making sure they actually feed or chambering to the dummy round provided all tack drivers I also have one of his kaimai cans very nice .
Wasn’t Dean the one that created a fake account on the FishnHunt forum to try and spread invented stories of DPT cans blowing up?