Looking at consolidating 2 rifles into one, do they still make the stainless synthetic Montana's in .260? Not keen on 308 nor 7mm08 but would cave in and go .243 in a pinch and rebarrel later.
Looking at consolidating 2 rifles into one, do they still make the stainless synthetic Montana's in .260? Not keen on 308 nor 7mm08 but would cave in and go .243 in a pinch and rebarrel later.
No not that I know of, A Montana in 260 eas a great combination but unfortunately their 6.5 barrels were absolute shit and only about 1 out'a 4 shot any good so watch out buying a second hand one.
Great rifles though my 7-08 shots and the 7wsm I had bott shot well, nice weight and triggers.
Yeah I had one in 260 few years ago. Bought new, wouldnt group better than 4inches at 100m off a bench rest/ with front tripod and rear bag,, plus swarovski scope. Tryed several makes and weight projectiles to no avail.
Another thing it did was when magazine full and you worked the bolt to pick up the cartridge// bolt just slid over the top of cartridge with out picking it up. It got sent back.......kimber roulette!!
Currently have an sako 85 stainless/syn in 260....super accurate.
right o, so its either that or a Sako 75 in x08 and then rebarrel to .260 if i want.
Jog on m8. I missed a good montana 243 on here by like 1 day.. Damn
I had a 260 montana and it was shit , if you want a 260 in a light rifle that will shoot either get a forbes for around 2600 or a tikka t3 and fit a mcmillan for around the same price , the kimber montana will go 1800 2nd hand fit a new barrel etc . . You are around 2600 anyway. Just my 2 cents.
Kimber 6.5 Creedmoor![]()
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
I'd rebarrel a kimber if you can pick one up for the right money it's always going to be smaller and lighter than a t3 or sako
I like the action sized to the cal not just one fits all..
Sako 85 is far too rich for my blood (for what you get).
Good Idea about the kimber hunter although i hear brass life isn't flash in the creedmoor?
Or I could go Savage 11/111 light weight in 260? need to find where they are for sale in NZ
Kimbers make great carry rifles for bush hunting but I wouldn't own one as a mid/long range rifle to shoot off a bag or bipod. The stock fit for most is too small and the weight makes them harder to shoot. I had a Kimber as a short bush pig and it was fantastic but the lack of a detach mag put me off.
I'd go sako 75/85 second hand any day.
A lot of the .260 and 7-08 ones didn't shoot well in the early days. All of the ones I owned did shoot well but they were either .308 or .243. I actually prefer my current model 84m wood blued to my previous montanas due to having a bit more weight. Light guns with short LOP are hard to shoot. If you can stretch it go forbes