Attachment 230217
Howa mini action with Sytong PM03-50 thermal
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Attachment 230217
Howa mini action with Sytong PM03-50 thermal
Now I'm jealous of something I made. Hahah.nice
Any updates on how the latest lot of rifles are coming along @Wingman? Last i spoke with dave he said mine would be ready monday (Brian).
Well originally when i ordered and paid i was told a week, which has become a month now. Was supposed to be end of last week but that didnt eventuate and then dave said will be ready this monday just gone. Communication has been piss poor which is frustrating,ive had to initiate it every time, a realistic eta from the beginning would have been nice. Realise its not your fault, would like to just have a realistic eta not another “will be next week mate”
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Great to see a business become a victim of their own success with a locally developed and built product. Well done them. Just need to learn the old mantra of under promising and over delivering coupled with prompt communication and things will sort themselves out. Common problem with a lot of small businesses that run lean but haven’t developed some core competencies.
Yes, it can be frustrating but patience is the key, it’s not like it’s a life or death situation if you don’t receive it on the specific day or time. I’d prefer something done well than done in a hurry and it is certainly worth the wait. Hang in there!!:thumbsup:
Yes your right its not a life or death situation, however that doesnt excuse the situation. Over promising and not delivering just makes for frustrated customers and a bad reputation. Be honest with the customer dont just say what they want to hear to get them through the door and swipe their card. If i was told a realistic eta from the beginning patience wouldnt be an issue but dont tell me it will be a week, then next week, then the next, then “it will be done monday ill call you when its ready” then not call. Thats just piss poor business.
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Hi all it is really worth the wait for this "work of art chassis "
i under stand the concerns of the purchaser as we all need/want it now and i have been one of them too haha
Good luck with your build ..
Its not a case of need/want now, its the principal of it all that pisses me off. Clearly dave is just full of shit. I understand theres people out there waiting for things from businesses for alot longer than this, again not the point. I went into store to check out the chassis & dave sold me the dream. Paid up front in full and told he could have a barrelled action in overnight, grip overnight & chassis was on hand, would take a week to get one together. Great!
Bit over a week goes by, no call so i call to see where we are at, have to ring a handful of times to finally get through and get told sorry next week. No worries, shit happens. Following week still no contact so i call again friday, get the "sorry been so busy will be next week" yarn. End of the next week arrives, still no contact so call again. 3 weeks deep on what was supposed to be a week at this point & dave gives me the "sorry mate its been hectic here keeping up with calls & emails etc, im away tomorrow hunting but your rifle will be done start of next week, i ask monday? and he says yes monday, ill call as soon as its done". Well surprise surprise its now friday, no call on monday or any other day this week, and as wingman has said above he has a bunch of chassis on his bench still waiting for barrelled actions so how my rifle was ever going to be done any of the weeks leading up to now is beyond me. Not to mention what does dave being busy even have to do with it? Hes not the gunsmith wingman is so theoretically all dave had to do was order the parts that the customer paid for so wingman could do the job.
Sorry for the rant but people / businesses like this really grind my gears, it happens all too often and i seem to be on the receiving end of it alot, im not an impatient person by any stretch but for christ sake, dont bullshit the customer, tell it how it is. If its going to be 2 months say its going to be 2 months dont lie to the customer to rope them in. If theres delays just call and explain why. Dont wait for the customer to call you wondering whats going on & then spin them some bullshit. Just be honest with the customer!
Don’t have a dog in this race but if @6.5 CRD is stating facts then that is a good way of going out of business. Doesn’t matter how good a product is, if timelines aren’t kept then customer goodwill goes out the window. Especially these days when everyone seems to think they’re number one customer. On the other hand late delivery isn’t life threatening so maybe chill out.
Its not life threatening but again, not the point. A little honesty goes a long way.
@6.5 CRD
Take this up with Dave directly. Go to the shop and stand in front of him and tell him to his face exactly what you’ve told us on the Forum (several times now). It’s not like what you’re saying is particularly unusual, its Sales 101.
If you don’t do that then nothing is going to change and everything you’ve typed here is just gasbagging.
You would be doing those that are in the same predicament as you a favour and possibly helping it not happen again for the next guy. It is exceptionally annoying there’s no doubt about that, but there is a point when you have to go and sort it out directly.
@Flyblown dont get me wrong im under no illusion that anything i post on here is going to solve the problem, however hopefully it may deter others from getting led down the same path & warn people of the muck around.
For sure, going in store and confronting him is the best solution however not that straight forward when i live 3 hrs away and have a busy work schedule. Im sure hes not going to reimburse me the day off work and travel costs to go down and ask why hes giving me the run around.
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