If a rifle is a tiny bit short to be legal length can a suppressor be permanently attached to make it long enough and if so how can suppressor be attached to make it legally fixed in position? ( Unremovable ) I assume loctite is not adequate.
If a rifle is a tiny bit short to be legal length can a suppressor be permanently attached to make it long enough and if so how can suppressor be attached to make it legally fixed in position? ( Unremovable ) I assume loctite is not adequate.
A thicker recoil pad would be easier
Ive heard differing interpretations on this. Ive had 2 rifles under 762(only just) and have just kept suppressors on them. I think it has to do with the intent of use "is not designed or adapted to be held and fired with 1 hand" thats section 50 of arms act but
does still apply.
It's not really up for interpretation on legal length. The Arms Act states it pretty clearly. If they are under 762mm they are pistols. The key part below is "And includes any firearm"
There is interpretation on how you fix this. From experience suppressors aren't really accepted anymore but this is fairly grey area.
pistol means a firearm (other than a prohibited firearm or restricted weapon) that is designed or adapted to be held and fired with 1 hand, and includes any firearm (other than a prohibited firearm or restricted weapon) that is less than 762 millimetres in length
Police policy is to measure to the rifling.
Regards if the supressor is welded or pinned in needing a tool to remove for cleaning.
Hence the p90 style bullpup stocks for 10/22 are no longer for sale. As they were sold with pinned suppressors to make longer than 762mm
I know there was on going saga about this but not sure if it ever got any clarification.
How are you measuring it? The correct method is to measure from the muzzle to the toe of the butt to achieve the greatest measurement. A bare 762mm is legal. Do not measure parallel to the bore as it will appear 8-10mm shorter. This is Court precedent as the 'length' of an item is the longest distance from one end point to the other, not from one end to a point in space. Imagine the length of a right-angled triangle. It is not the length from the furthest point to the 90 degree corner. It is the length of the hypotenuse.
what have you purchased without consulting me?????
best you bring it around so we can measure it up properly,I do happen to have a fat recoil pad sitting spare too.
75/15/10 black powder matters
I haven't bought anything just wanted to know if permanently attaching a suppressor to a short barrel makes it legal length.
I was about to ask, when do we get to see photos? But alas...
bunji likes this.
I had to print a stock extension to get a 10/22 to legal length, it needed a touch over 30mm