Any one using this model?
What are the pros and cons if any.
Look like a simple to use unit that give you EHR same as tbr
Any one using this model?
What are the pros and cons if any.
Look like a simple to use unit that give you EHR same as tbr
I use one. Great ranging ability. Small and light. My only issue is that the red display can be hard to read against some backgrounds but I am red/green colour blind which doesn't help I imagine.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
I've had one for about three years. Great, compact, lightweight unit. Great battery life, quick readout.
I find the red display text very readable.
I only use it for in-line distance and the TBR it calculates.
Actually the unit has high quality glass and being 7X magnification it serves quite well as a monocular in situations when something needs checking very quickly.
Only con is I have to remember to return it to my pocket after use. A bit expensive to forget about and lose.
Got mine directly from Lacklands at the 2019 gun show in Auckland.
Welcome to Sako club.
How do People find Ehr? reliable?
i have a older unit and never had any problems using the EHR (think it only does 450y) but others have said no you have to do your own ballistics calculations.
I just after a simple to use range finder, say range 650y dial 650y and shoot