Did you purchase from a retailer? Consumer Guarantees act may apply but generally most will deflect to the importer/ distributor or flee o rather than meet their obligations in my personal experience.
Did you purchase from a retailer? Consumer Guarantees act may apply but generally most will deflect to the importer/ distributor or flee o rather than meet their obligations in my personal experience.
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Yea I did the retailer has gone hand over foot fighting them to get any kind of result I’m well aware I’m within my rights to fight it and I’d likely win but times not on my side for a small claims case my retailer is dropping the brand moving foward . Silly blimen outfit when their biggest competitor is swarovoski who are renowned for their outstanding customer service just mind boggling
Its not up to Distributor in any way, they may "look after" the retailer but the Consumers act is between retailer and you.
They really have to take on chin and refund you, most retailers will try and blame/deflect issues onto distributors when they can to save face.
Really both rely on you getting fed up and going away
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Not to sound mean but that retailer is making their problem ioyr problem. They MUST replace test st their cost and none of it to you. The CGA has you covered 100%. It pisses me off that local companies think they can play the bullshit card. Sony tried that with me. The tribunal will find in your favour if you've done nothing wrong. Range finders should be good for a minimum of 5 years.
As for Leica. I expect more because I bought an architectural laser disto and it's still going strong since 2006. You're
a 'reasonable person' and the CGA hold retailers responsible for a duration that a reasonable person would think.
Providing that you aren't a commercial operation. I would think you could force the retailer to refund the money immediately or be forced to by the tribunal. What they're doing to you isn't legal.