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Thread: Leica

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Who is the retailer?

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Gkp View Post
    Leica is a good product but this sounds like pretty shit business practice by the local agent
    Yea I bloody loved the faulty ones great to look threw great to hold so fingers crossed the new ones are flawless and I know il love them just a piss off about how iv ended up their

  3. #18
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    I've only dealt with Leica warranty once. It was exceptionally good. I'm not thinking this has gone through Leica but via a third party?
    I dropped my secondhand binoculars down a slip. Every lens was scratched. It was not a manufacturing defect or anything Leica could have control over. I was not the original purchaser and I think they were even out of warranty period but still got outstanding service with only postage to Germany at my cost. They say the repaired the binoculars but they looked brand new to me. Have you tried Lacklands? I think they're the NZ agent?
    Kelton likes this.
    The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Hawkes Bay
    My experience is the same as James

    I got one of the first pairs of geovid to enter the country gosh knows how many years ago

    Leica have tidied them up from time to time at no cost to myself

    Outstanding service
    dannyb and Kelton like this.
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  5. #20
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Generally its the retailer who lets the side down in my experience. (Working for a large distributor) a lot of my work is fixing retailers "mistakes". They really only want their 20% for minimal work and pass any issues on to the relevent distributor.

    On the plus side My Leica PRS has been flawless in operation but i am not in love with ffp reticles.
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  6. #21
    Member Tui4Me's Avatar
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    What annoys me is that if they were sold in the US the 2700’s would have upgraded to 3200.com’s at no cost.

    Americans expect Leupold type customer service and Leica had to make exceptions to their Warranty service so the brand could survive there.

    I purchased my first Leica range finder from a retailer out of the US. I left it wet in its case and the electronics stopped working. I sent it back to the US retailer who then shipped it to EU for repair. As it was sold in the US, Leica just replaced it with the newer version on the spot and sent it back to retailer who on shipped it back to me. The process took a couple of months but I was pretty stoked to be fair!!

    NZ customer service does seem to be a very mixed bag unfortunately..
    TimC likes this.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelton View Post
    Yea I did the retailer has gone hand over foot fighting them to get any kind of result I’m well aware I’m within my rights to fight it and I’d likely win but times not on my side for a small claims case my retailer is dropping the brand moving foward . Silly blimen outfit when their biggest competitor is swarovoski who are renowned for their outstanding customer service just mind boggling
    In my experience people change their tune once you say youre going to small claims (Disputes Tribunal). If you're confident of a win, it might just work.

  8. #23
    Member Puffin's Avatar
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    I had said I wouldn't — but I will, since you asked.
    ER 3.5-14 ASV scope. The elevation was out, not just by a little bit, but optically tracking at a very consistent 71% across the range from what the dial was indicating. Sent back to Germany via Lackland Photographic with a note saying please check and fix the elevation. Reported back as No Fault Found. In the meantime Lackland lent me their demo scope while mine was away; same model with a serial number different by just 11. Same issue found in that one. 71%. Lackland, apparently unable to check such faults themselves, doubted my correct identification of the fault. I had to pay for an independent assessment and report by an optical specialist. Probably fair enough. The German manufacturer's word against an unverified claim. Specialist's finding: elevation running at a uniform 71%. My understanding is that the Demo scope was also returned to Germany, and No Fault Found for that as well.

    By the time this was resolved, Leica's range of scopes had changed. With refusal of support from Germany, Lackland said I could have whatever Leica scope I wanted as a replacement, performance & price equivalent or not. So it’s Full Marks to Lackland Photographic for customer support as they would have borne the cost of this themselves.

    Footnote: The ER 3.5-14 x 42 was the first scope Leica manufactured, along with its sibling, the 2.5-10x. Same scopes on the outside, different internals. Can I draw your attention to the ratio of the two magnification ranges? So say having accidentally mixed up the elevation spindles by thread pitch during assembly across a batch, Leica were not willing to deal with this. Regardless their chosen approach was to deny any fault existed. That is a pretty grim indictment of a company that positions itself as Top End.
    Brian and zimmer like this.

  9. #24
    Member Looseunit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gkp View Post
    Leica is a good product but this sounds like pretty shit business practice by the local agent
    Before the lynch mob get out of control lets shed abit more light on the subject , The binos were purchased from the dealer Sept of this year , Kelton was advised then at the time about the hassles the company have had dealing with Lacklands with repairs , Lacklands do not operate a service centre in NZ at all and all repair regardless of size (simple eye cup replacement) get sent overseas to be done .
    I purchased the business in October and have been working with Kelton in getting his problem sorted for him . My company did not sell the product and have no financial gain in not sorting out a credit etc for him.
    Lacklands were advised of the faulty product from the sale and were asked to replace them , there should have been no need for the units to go back overseas to confirm this and the customer shouldn't have had to wait this long for an answer.
    We have arranged for a pair of 3200.com's to be sent down and at this stage have not indicated any sort of price for change over as I haven't had and credits or invoices from Lacklands to work off.
    If the internet warriors who are quoting court action etc and downing the retailer want to carry on I'll wash my hands of it and let Kelton deal with the previous business owner to sort out , I've been pushing hard to get this sorted for him and don't need the company implied in any sort of poor service .
    There's a risk of going off half cocked with only small bits on info and it can cause a lot of damage to a business , Not something I want to be associated with nor will I support suppliers that does not back up their product or agents, Yes that will be the last Leica product I buy for resale.
    Philipo, Tahr, Kiwi Greg and 17 others like this.
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  10. #25
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Looseunit View Post
    Before the lynch mob get out of control lets shed abit more light on the subject , The binos were purchased from the dealer Sept of this year , Kelton was advised then at the time about the hassles the company have had dealing with Lacklands with repairs , Lacklands do not operate a service centre in NZ at all and all repair regardless of size (simple eye cup replacement) get sent overseas to be done .
    I purchased the business in October and have been working with Kelton in getting his problem sorted for him . My company did not sell the product and have no financial gain in not sorting out a credit etc for him.
    Lacklands were advised of the faulty product from the sale and were asked to replace them , there should have been no need for the units to go back overseas to confirm this and the customer shouldn't have had to wait this long for an answer.
    We have arranged for a pair of 3200.com's to be sent down and at this stage have not indicated any sort of price for change over as I haven't had and credits or invoices from Lacklands to work off.
    If the internet warriors who are quoting court action etc and downing the retailer want to carry on I'll wash my hands of it and let Kelton deal with the previous business owner to sort out , I've been pushing hard to get this sorted for him and don't need the company implied in any sort of poor service .
    There's a risk of going off half cocked with only small bits on info and it can cause a lot of damage to a business , Not something I want to be associated with nor will I support suppliers that does not back up their product or agents, Yes that will be the last Leica product I buy for resale.
    Now that we know that previous business owner has sold up, it all makes sense as to why importer is in the picture as "new" retailer is only responsible for the product they sell. Good on you for trying to help hopefully the importers will step up like you.............................and
    Good on you for trying to help
    Speill, BRADS, Kelton and 1 others like this.
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  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Someone buy that man a beer

  12. #27
    Member BRADS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Looseunit View Post
    Before the lynch mob get out of control lets shed abit more light on the subject , The binos were purchased from the dealer Sept of this year , Kelton was advised then at the time about the hassles the company have had dealing with Lacklands with repairs , Lacklands do not operate a service centre in NZ at all and all repair regardless of size (simple eye cup replacement) get sent overseas to be done .
    I purchased the business in October and have been working with Kelton in getting his problem sorted for him . My company did not sell the product and have no financial gain in not sorting out a credit etc for him.
    Lacklands were advised of the faulty product from the sale and were asked to replace them , there should have been no need for the units to go back overseas to confirm this and the customer shouldn't have had to wait this long for an answer.
    We have arranged for a pair of 3200.com's to be sent down and at this stage have not indicated any sort of price for change over as I haven't had and credits or invoices from Lacklands to work off.
    If the internet warriors who are quoting court action etc and downing the retailer want to carry on I'll wash my hands of it and let Kelton deal with the previous business owner to sort out , I've been pushing hard to get this sorted for him and don't need the company implied in any sort of poor service .
    There's a risk of going off half cocked with only small bits on info and it can cause a lot of damage to a business , Not something I want to be associated with nor will I support suppliers that does not back up their product or agents, Yes that will be the last Leica product I buy for resale.
    Good on you Jason
    Always good to hear both sides of a story before the old NZHS lynching mob get stuck in

    Sent from my SM-S916B using Tapatalk

  13. #28
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    This leica company sure seems to put out a lot of shit that goes back under warranty for a supposedly top tier brand. #teamseagull
    Philipo, BRADS, shift14 and 1 others like this.
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  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Looseunit View Post
    Before the lynch mob get out of control lets shed abit more light on the subject , The binos were purchased from the dealer Sept of this year , Kelton was advised then at the time about the hassles the company have had dealing with Lacklands with repairs , Lacklands do not operate a service centre in NZ at all and all repair regardless of size (simple eye cup replacement) get sent overseas to be done .
    I purchased the business in October and have been working with Kelton in getting his problem sorted for him . My company did not sell the product and have no financial gain in not sorting out a credit etc for him.
    Lacklands were advised of the faulty product from the sale and were asked to replace them , there should have been no need for the units to go back overseas to confirm this and the customer shouldn't have had to wait this long for an answer.
    We have arranged for a pair of 3200.com's to be sent down and at this stage have not indicated any sort of price for change over as I haven't had and credits or invoices from Lacklands to work off.
    If the internet warriors who are quoting court action etc and downing the retailer want to carry on I'll wash my hands of it and let Kelton deal with the previous business owner to sort out , I've been pushing hard to get this sorted for him and don't need the company implied in any sort of poor service .
    There's a risk of going off half cocked with only small bits on info and it can cause a lot of damage to a business , Not something I want to be associated with nor will I support suppliers that does not back up their product or agents, Yes that will be the last Leica product I buy for resale.
    As stated earlier @Looseunit has moved heaven and earth for a result and I was given a full rundown prior to purchase about just how bad customer service can be so this is not a store issue I stand with the store and staff this is me giving out a buyer beware for the brand
    TimC likes this.

  15. #30
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    This leica company sure seems to put out a lot of shit that goes back under warranty for a supposedly top tier brand. #teamseagull
    Personal experience says don't buy a Leica scope, most I supplied went back, not a huge number but still a huge percentage

    But Team Seagull shouldn't be wringing their hands either, plenty of their product has gone back, that I have personally seen, with equally happy customers.....
    BRADS, Shamus_ and TimC like this.
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