Let’s here you leica horror storeys mines freaking sickening
Let’s here you leica horror storeys mines freaking sickening
That’s good I hope you never need to use their warrenty
In short iv being forced a paid up grade to 3200.coms after my brand new 2700 we’re faulty and they don’t have any 2700 to replace them so I get a $4000 leica credit with the option to pay another $1500 for the 3200.coms hardly seems like my problem they discontinued the 2700 my thoughts are give me my money back or upgrade me at your cost proxy freaking scum bags when their good their great but I’d discourage anyone from taking the risk
In which case they are saying no you can have a credit
Yeah, consumer guarantees act gives 3 options for faulty goods - refund, repair, or replace. If they’re not doing the second or third option, you have the right to insist on a refund from wherever you bought it. They can’t just offer store credit, especially for a brand new faulty item.
I had good experience with them. The bought a second hand rangefinder off tm that developed an intermittent fault with the button. I sent it away for them to fix it, which they did for free. I was expecting to pay and was pleasantly surprised when I did not have to.
Your story seems a bit shitty though
Did you purchase from a retailer? Consumer Guarantees act may apply but generally most will deflect to the importer/ distributor or flee o rather than meet their obligations in my personal experience.
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Yea I did the retailer has gone hand over foot fighting them to get any kind of result I’m well aware I’m within my rights to fight it and I’d likely win but times not on my side for a small claims case my retailer is dropping the brand moving foward . Silly blimen outfit when their biggest competitor is swarovoski who are renowned for their outstanding customer service just mind boggling
Its not up to Distributor in any way, they may "look after" the retailer but the Consumers act is between retailer and you.
They really have to take on chin and refund you, most retailers will try and blame/deflect issues onto distributors when they can to save face.
Really both rely on you getting fed up and going away
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!