When l was working in Africa it was common to have a riot/sawn off shotgun as a backup gun on Leopard hunts for charging ,wounded, in the thick stuff or when hunting over dogs . One crew had a old authentic Luftwaffe drilling, made for the Luftwaffe exclusively by JP Sauer & Sohn ,a survival gun the Germans gave their pilots operating over remote areas of North Africa .From what l remember these Luftwaffe Drillings were fairly rare, .not sure if they were all the same but this one had two 12G shotgun barrels & a 9.3 x 74 rimmed rifle barrel slung under.The shotgun shells were OO Buck & the 9.3 had Geco 250 grn soft points from memory.
This gun had been nearly destroyed from a local tracker deciding to try to shoot some fish for tea & had put the barrel under the water for a better shot,so for leopard it was cut down to 12 inch barrels & had the sling point right at the muzzle,meaning like you said when carried on the sling you had the barrels rubbing on the back of your ear, every time you ducked under a branch it would hit the nape of your neck .I could not carry it on the sling for this reason & sure enough about a year after l carried it ,the guy who owned it reached around in a hurry to grab it off the sling while crossing a knee deep swamp & some how had a ND ,he was lucky it did not take half his head off ,as it was he had instant Tinnitus in his right ear.Never again for this little black duck.