The firearms and optics snobs threads got me thinking. There is a tendency to show of the good stuff, but how about a thread devoted entirely to the old workhorses, the ugly ducklings, the pre-(once way back)-loved firearms?
I'll start. This is my first rifle, a 10/22 I was given in 1984 or 1985. Used it standard for many years, until the sights broke off and the stock got damaged. It's had at least 100,000 rounds through it with only very rare failures. Gone through a few magazines. The bluing is almost completely gone, there is hints of rust everywhere. I replaced the stock with a well used choate several years ago, but the only real up grade was installing a BX trigger, not because the old trigger had failed, but because I wanted the lighter trigger pull. Currently has a trs25 red dot but I change over to a scope every now and then, and I've used a mag coupler since the bx-15 mags were banned. Still got the original sling plus the bit of bale twine I used as a temporary fix about 5 years ago and have not got around to fixing yet.
The old girl still shoots as straight as I ever need and I see no reason to retire her for a good while yet.
Show us anything that you would not normally want to show off.