The fact is, that the Leupold service and effectiveness for both range and hunting in NZ has been superb especially consideting the backup warrenty. The vx5hd you are considering is good value within our NZ retail fiscal structure. When compared to some high end brands with supposefly great glass and other bells and whistles but mainly with only a 10 year warrenty and also considering comparative weight of the units then Leupold is a very safe bet. I have and still have several and while a couple have been back for setvice (cost free under warranty, one over 40 years old !) I can honestly say every one I have is fully functional still and quite capable of allowing a shot to be taken at 500 yards +. It is nice to have a NF or Toric or high end Swaro or Leica or S&B but the reality is that unless your eyeballs are getting affected by age etc a Leupold VX anything will do the business for you. My early ( half a century ago) scopes were 2 1/2 power bushnel banners and I had to keep drying the fog out of them and resealing with clear glue due to falling down banks and beating the crap out of them, and yet I shot very large numbers of deer and other game animals with them. Eventually went to Leupolds too but i guess what I am trying to say to you is "judt don't get too hung up on hype from some. There are plenty on thid thread more than happy overall with their Leupold experience.
So , go ahead and have your vx5. It may cost a bit more ot a bit less than others, but is a pretty darned good start point. There are other good brands coming into NZ at good price points too, like Delta, but all have pluses and minuses. You will always find some dick somewhere who has an axe to grind; ignore them and go with what you consider on balance to be a safe bet and that the majority of users seem happy with.
Incidentally, I have a vx5 which had to be serviced by Leupold recently. I am pleased to have it back and mounted on my 6.5*55 hunting rifle. I tested it at 600 yards last weekend on NRA target and shot 49.5 / 50 with it. Can't complain at that.