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Thread: Lever action

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Christchuch New Zealand
    There is always Browning BLR with the box magazine, (if you are considering suppressing), and you can have pointy bullets and hotter calibres too if you want. Harder to find are the take down versions. But with the take down, all you do is is pull one wee lever and the barrel separates from the action easily for storage, transport and cleaning. It fits very nicely in a shotgun case with the suppressor...We sold one in 450Marlin a few years back. Gorgeous firearm. but they can be a bt heavier. H&F in Warkworth had one at a fair price last time I was up but that was quite a while ago so it is probably long gone....

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Or the Savage 99 if you are looking at suppression I have one in 300 Savage not as light as a couple of the other options though.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Christchuch New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by nor-west View Post
    Or the Savage 99 if you are looking at suppression I have one in 300 Savage not as light as a couple of the other options though.
    I agree. The BLR could go on a diet too.....

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Port Chalmers
    Stick with a Winchester, or the Rossi 92's are excellent. The triggers on the Rossi's have all been excellent, and the function fine. If I wanted a pistol cal lever the only thing I would look at would be a Rossi 92. People who have trouble with the .357 Mag are using wad cutters - these sharp edges usually wont feed in lever actions.
    You clean them same way you clean any lever action. You open the action and use a pull through. Or a boresnake. Its not rocket science.

    I wouldn't touch a Marlin. Screws all unscrew themselves, and they are as heavy as a bolt action, and the triggers are slushy. And the lever throw is too long.

  5. #20
    Member outdoorlad's Avatar
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    Now that's Art Carlsen, have you ever had a play with a Henry?
    Shut up, get out & start pushing!

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Port Chalmers
    Henry the modern firearms maker? No I havn't.

    But to further encourage our poster to be the best he can be, I shall give the answer to his question in a picture, which is worth a great many words.

    A .30/30 170 grain bullet at 2100 fps is only 200fps less than the original 7x57 Mauser loading - which made that cartridge famous as a killer on the largest of game.
    outdoorlad, northdude and Sideshow like this.

  7. #22
    Member viper's Avatar
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    Feb 2015
    I've had a few.

    Winchester 94 Trapper in 44mag, barrel not screwed into the receiver square, gunsmith had seen half a dozen like it... gutted , sold it to a pig hunter.

    Marlin 336 in 30-30, nice and solid , did some work on it and it was a nice gun but I found the safety a mongrel setup

    Savage 99 in 308, barrel was stuffed on mine but it was a cool gun, rotary mag was a brilliant bit of engineering

    Henry .22lr, fuck I hope their big bore stuff is better than the 22lr..... serious contender for worse gun I have ever owned......

    There's something about a lever gun though, they are just nice to handle, generally well balanced and carry well, a working rifle with history that really oozes cool and character.

  8. #23
    Member viper's Avatar
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    Sorry, mean't to say the 44 mag was the coolest, something about a 240 - 300gr hollow point that says " RESPECT "

    Rossi ....they do one in 454 Casull.........................ohhh moma

  9. #24

  10. #25
    mossturd do one as well dont know what they are like tho

  11. #26
    Member rossi.45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlsen Highway View Post

    I wouldn't touch a Marlin. Screws all unscrew themselves, and they are as heavy as a bolt action, and the triggers are slushy. And the lever throw is too long.

    just have to reply to this . . .

    WTF . . . the screws all unscrew themselves in a Marlin, BS

    granted they are heavier . . its not outrageously heavy, they have a good balance to them.

    the triggers are slushy . . . No leveraction has a great trigger, i would say they are all about the same, they need work.

    the lever throw is too long . .. really
    Name:  images-1.jpg
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    doesnt look like theres a Huge difference
    unless you want to compare a straight grip to a pistol grip . . which would be unfair and misleading

    there is a reason Winchester stopped being made in the US . . hardly anyone wanted to actually buy them

    this poll is from castboolits.com which to me gives a fair indication of how people vote with their checkbooks, the Marlins are nearly twice as popular as Winchesters with the Rossi only getting just over 7%

    Name:  Screenshot_2016-12-31-08-33-52-1.png
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    as to comparing the .30/30 with a 7X57 in a later post . . . and the slogan ' be the man you want to be ' give us a break

    Last edited by rossi.45; 31-12-2016 at 09:08 AM.

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Port Chalmers
    You must be a Marlin owner. I can tell by your shrivelled prune-like tone of Baptist self-righteousness. Right at the start I will say that Winchester owners are simply cooler than you. This must rankle.

    All I can say is that the one I had all the screws needed tightening up all the time. I was not alone in this when I talked to others.

    Yes, Marlins are heavy, we are in accord; actually one pound heavier than a Winchester.

    The triggers are slushy - compared to Winchesters, and even Rossi 92's, which are excellent in my experience. The only lever action with a worse trigger than the average Marlin, is a BLR, also winner of the Worlds Most Ugliest Firearm.

    Lever throw - even in your photograph you can see the MArlin has at least another inch or more. A Winchester user will notice this immediately, and will have to force himself to press the lever back to cock the rifle. It's not a fault, but it's not as good as the Shorter Winchester lever swing.

    They are both rattly compared to a Winchester 92 or a Rossi 92.

    They stopped making them when they also stopped making the Winchester 70 which was over industrial relations and a change of factories. They still make them now and charge a great deal for a Japanese manufactured one. The design is so popular, that Mossberg makes the same rifle.

    As for your poll, the Castbullet site is full of geriatric thrifty pensioners who cast bullets. None of them can see very well, they have Marlins because of the ease of mounting a scope.
    Indeed, Marlins are popular rifles. But they havn't sold anywhere near seven million of them and they have been for sale for as long as the Winchester has.

    But, the significant thing about my post is that I said I didn't like Marlins. I didn't say you didn't like Marlins.

    (PS, Oh, and there's too much wood on them. The stocks are fat. Winchesters are slimmer.)

    (PPS. The comparison of the 30/30 and the 7x57 is an observation. If you have different numbers than me then please let me know.)
    Last edited by Carlsen Highway; 31-12-2016 at 11:41 AM.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    i've owned a blr in 308, awesome gun and to be honest not that heavy, they now do a "lightning" model with an alloy receiver which is even lighter. bloody accurate but wanders a little after 10 shots as the barrel is light. but as a hunting guns its awesome, the fact that the trigger moves down along with the lever stops any ouch moments of other makes.
    currently i have a 44mag rossi, as yet unfired but it seems quite well made though the safety is stiffer than a priest at a boy scout jamboree. but since its possible to put the hammer is 1/2 cock position who needs a safety anyway

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Port Chalmers
    I had a BLR in .308. I liked it a great deal despite its gawky ugly sister style. I had the old one with the straight stock, which I liked much better. The trigger was horrible and the magazine rattled and sometimes fell out. The extractor was broken and cases dribbled into the action, and you had to run middle of the road reloads in it or it would lock up on you. I thought it was great anyway.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Have owned numerous lever actions of various makes after buying first Winchester 94 40 years ago. Am a fan of both the Marlin 336 and the Winny 94 - would be happy with either. Both very similar on range with handloads - round 1" at 100m. Personally prefer the John Browning designed Winchester 94 as it is a great classic design, has that beautiful slim feel and carry balance, is lighter, and has been for me a proven performer out to 200m in 30-30. Has great character.

    94 is biggest selling sporting centrefire in history, with Marlin 336 second on that list. This does not happen with dud rifles. I do also question the survey mentioned above re 94s/336s - where it was made and with whom. Just does not ring true. 94s were not so good production quality in last 3-4 years from Winchester factory but otherwise one fine little rifle. As noted Marlin 336 heavier, but have heard of no issues with screws coming loose. 336 also a lever I'd be happy to have in closet - esp as it is often $500 cheaper than 94 with tidy 94s now sought after. Was looking at gunrack at Shooters Supplies today - nice 336 at $800, and bunch of Winny 94s at $1200-1500.

    Rossi Rio Grande lever a close copy of Marlin 336. Read somewhere they ripped it into production the moment the 336 patents expired. Ok but Marlin 336 original better. Brazilian rifles (Rossi, CBC etc) can be quite good, but have also found they can be somewhat rough in construction. A matter of keeping the good ones.

    My lever centrefire pick - buy either the 336 or 94 in 30-30. Use Leverevolution ammo. Keep the Winchester.
    gadgetman and 6x47 like this.



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