So there are no good quality brand new levers on the market and one must search for a good example of a 40plus year old rifle?
So there are no good quality brand new levers on the market and one must search for a good example of a 40plus year old rifle?
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
It certainly sounds like it, I'm happy with my Savage it needs to loose some weight though, I think taking off the bases rings and scope and getting a lighter style stock will help a lot
I like the rotary mag it feeds flawlesly, trigger is ok and it has a new barrel so will outsee me.
The last 94 I had was from memory an early 90s Winchester 94Ranger AE (angle eject) - fine rifle. Latest 94s are made by Miroku - dearer but v well made. Also - no reason you can't pick up a new Marlin 336.
BLRs are available new. They may not be the prettiest one but they have a few advantages over the others.
Stacked removable box magazine hence can handle pionty calibres without hitting primers. Calibres like 308, 30/06, 243, 450 Marlin (rare but we did sell one) and 7mmRemmag
Some are a take down so the barrel separates from the action. Fits in a pack nicely.
Miroku also made these. Called the MLR. In fact Miroku made them for Browning as well....
I am posting about rifles. You should post about the rifles too. Give me your opinion on Winchester versus Marlin. I am uninterested in what you think of me personally. It is enough for me to carry the weight of my own opinion, without having to worry about your feelings as well. I mean this in the most amiable way.
The Winchester 94 is still available under the Winchester name, but now manufactured in Japan, with a high price. To be honest, I don't think they are imported in New Zealand. The Marlin 336 is still around and readily available, at what I think is a fair price, around 900$. Although they have changed now and are made by Remington in a different factory, and I have read of quality control issues.
Mossberg still make the 464, which is their copy of the Winchester 94, with a rounded top, drilled and tapped for a scope. I have not used one of these and dont know how well they go. I cant see how they can go wrong though if they just copied the browning design...
And Rossi have stopped making the Rio Grande copy of the Marlin, or at least I think they have. I think they have also stopped making the .454 Casull in the model 92, which is a shame I would have liked to try one. They are still showing on the Ampro website, so maybe they still might have a couple left.
Otherwise there is the Browning lever action already mentioned, which comes in long action cartridges as well, a modern take on it all, as Timattalon has described. I like the old steel receiver ones with a straight stock, but I am a traditionalist.
There are also the Uberti made versions of the Winchester 73 and the Henry rifle. They are well made, and expensive too, but they come only in .44/40 or 357 Magnum cartridges and the rifles will not handle modern hot loads, you have to stick with black powder pressures. There is nothing wrong with this, an old school lead .44/40 will go straight through a red deer at 100 yards.
Last edited by Carlsen Highway; 01-01-2017 at 08:10 PM.
ill hit this short and fast then i am done with his thread
have a look at the name i use on this forum carlsonhighway . . . rossi.45
that you dont like Marlins is OK but its how you do it annoys me . . . they are better than the bag job you did on them.
ive owned 3 Winchester 94s, currently own 1 Rossi and 1 Marlin . . a Martini doesnt really count as a leveraction so ill leave that one out.
Winchester owners are cooler etc etc . . . grow up
without a picture . .. it never happened !
Screw y'all. Ruger 96/22.
Best lever action ever.
Levers are great fun. I stick to getting my lever fix in 22 though. Picked up a 94/22 off a member here in trade. Surprised how much I've enjoyed it. Beautiful little rifle and shoots brilliantly.
Sorry Marlin owners, as a non- expert the 94s just look right. The Marlin to me is uglier than the blr. Life's too short for ugly rifles (although I do have a savage in the back of the safe - only comes out after dark ��)!
Just shot my '94, fist size group at 60 metres off hand so pretty happy
Offhand? Excellent. Any more photos would be appreciated...
Offhand as in standing in the hay barn shooting at a piece of 6x2 with a vivid marked diamond on it, as it was pissing down.
If the Winchesters are soo fantastic as you claim then why did Winchester go belly up in the 80's after being sold to its employees? Marlin got bought by Remington in the mid 2000's. There is no contest when it comes to mounting a optic(Marlin wins), the extra inch of lever throw? Are you insecure about an extra inch(or lack of)?. When it comes to accuracy the humble Marlin wins also with the leverevolution ammunition bringing in a number of rifles going under the inch.
I was making the point that you missed yet again( are you a person who does things three times?) that although entitled to your opinion you were going about it in a wanker sorta way and was just reminding you of the lack of common decency.
Yours Truly from a PROUD Marlin Owner