What's out there for standard 08 based cases.
What's out there for standard 08 based cases.
Hardy stealth must be close, hardly notice those things
What is it you're looking for specifically ? Lightweight at the expense of efficiency and longevity or a balance of them all. I made some cans ages ago as part of a bet 150gm, Aluminium & carbon fibre. I've used them a bit with factory ammo but haven't given them a hard time, haven't compared them to shop suppressors either but when doing homekill none of the deer react for more than a minute or 2 and only if they're beside the one that dropped. If you're interested in trying it out let me know, only one -08 though it's M14x1 thread.
$995 Bloody good value for the work involved in making it.
We do a stubby muzzle forward with 3 baffles that is 150 grams, you could run it with only 1 baffle at only 100 grams in weight but the sound reduction is reduced, especially compared to our standard range of suppressors.
Yeah I can imagine it's not easy.
We haven't seen any substantial progression in the development of suppressors available in NZ for maybe 10 years now, since the current crop came out. It would be good to see some new and improved products out there - the sintered titanium manufacturing looks like a great way to produce an optimised product