What's the ultimate scope for a lightweight long range rifle?
What's the ultimate scope for a lightweight long range rifle?
Great results can be had with a 2-12-42 cds VX-6 past 1000yrds.
The secret to success is practise
A lot can be achieved with a 12x sight picture in a quality scope
But you need to get regular practise.
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
swaro 3-18x44 good out to 750 odd yards. Run out of dial after that. Not that thats very longrange. Reasonably light too.
The ultimate scope doesn't exist. Everyone wants/likes different things in an optic, evidenced clearly in the first two replys.
Just a slopy retrobate
Currently have 15x on the top end so want at least that. Anyone using a 52mm march?
Better than the 42(?)mm one by quite a bit. Still a compromise though.
I can take it to work with me if you want to come grab it.
Much gain over a light tac, other than the extra mag?
Smaller and mag range. Turrets are better too.
Although, I fucking loved looking through my old light LT. If they had a better mag range they would be close to perfect.
In all honesty, I reckon the March would be an all round better scope if they did a 2-18 rather than 25. Optics would be substantially less finicky.
I'd buy the shit out of them then.
I have a zeiss v8 2.8-20 now. I Wont be changing scopes for a long time. does everything ya need but weighs 800 odd grams, so not ultralight
The new swarovski x5 I looked through was wicked around 3800 new though , the elevation turret is a bit big and its moa only atm.