Nice work and isn't NZ a great place to live where we have lots of choice and a strong industry. Lets hope it always stays that way and cuntie Cahill never gets his way.
Nice work and isn't NZ a great place to live where we have lots of choice and a strong industry. Lets hope it always stays that way and cuntie Cahill never gets his way.
On balance, just, it's probably not helpful to the LFAO cause, nor in general, to speak of a serving police officer that way.
I disagree with him, he seems manipulative and economical with the truth... but hold back from C words, if nothing else out of respect for every cop past and present who has worn the police uniform.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Fair call @Cordite. I dont use obscenities on typed posts except on rare occasions, and usually in a more humorous context. While he is clearly misrepresenting as much information as comes out of his mouth, I concede that its possible that he believes what he is doing and is potentially being (mis?) informed by those around him. Even so, he is not doing enough to justify being called the C word. I was just suggesting that his behaviour and distortions of truth are reflecting on him and that his name is starting to be used as a description or example of someone who lies in the same way as the words politician or lawyer is associated with dishonesty.
As for his motives....Well if he is genuinely primarily trying to protect the Police officers to make sure they come home safe then I am fine with that, I simply and wholeheartedly disagree with what he is doing, and how he is doing it. If, however, he is using his position to further his own political agenda then I think he and the Police association needs to seriously reconsider his position as he is doing more damage to their cause every time he is caught misrepresenting the truth.
Some of his desires have serious financial repercussions and while in principle I struggle to find reasons why not to try them, I feel that the resources involved could make a far bigger difference elsewhere.
One reason given to me by a colleague for a register is apparently a person managed to buy nearly 70 firearms from stores and supply them to gangs, and this would have been picked up by a register as they would have wondered why he had that many firearms.....which made sense until I asked where he bought them from. Assorted gun shops, to which I pointed out, these are registered as effectively as an firearms register is already. Each sale is recorded by firearms retailers and audited by the police. So there is already a record of which firearms he obtained. And when I questioned this colleague, he admitted that this was how the fellow got caught so the system we have in place works as well as any future register anyway......
I have not seen the article so I apologize if there are inaccuracies, and if anyone remembers the article or knows where it is, post it here as a reply and we can discuss the actual situation if need be.
I just need to stop you guys right there. I will not have anyone defending that prick on this thread. He is indefensible.
Chris Cahill is not misinformed or ignorant or naive. He has access to all the facts and knows full well that what he is saying is false.
He is a dishonest, duplicitous, lying fucking cunt. I don't use language like that lightly or often but he has earned it.
He is a disgrace to every police officer that has ever worn the uniform.
Police officers are supposed to have values like honesty and integrity.
When they don't, it only serves to drive a wedge between the police and the communities they are tasked with protecting.
People like him are why we often struggle to see police as the good guys that are on our side, like they should be.
He isn't just misleading the public, he is purposefully trying to create an us-versus-them mentality amongst police officers.
If he can get police officers to see any person who has firearms as a "bad guy" or a threat that needs to be stopped, then he will have succeeded in his mind.
Chris Cahill needs to go as soon as possible. Period. Thank You.
"An experienced shooter of limited skill and dangerous enthusiasm." -Hitman: Blood Money newspaper
Hi @Kiwigunguy,
I'm not disagreeing mate and I do not want to be misunderstood as defending Mr Cahill.
What I was saying was that I retain respect for his uniform and what it still represents. Call someone a liar, deceiver, manipulator, even a Cahill, no problem.
But once you start calling him "cunt", "prick" etc, you may inadvertently cross the line to help his agenda - which as you say includes creating suspicion and hostility (or at least a public misperception of hostility) between police and lawful firearms owners. WE are the good guys and gals here.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
I get what you're saying, which is why I don't use that sort of language often.
Unfortunately though, there does have to be some visible hostility between us and Cahill(possibly between us and the Police Association as a whole).
As long as Cahill is attacking and slandering us, we can't give the appearance that everything is fine, because it just isn't.
I hope that the hostility becomes great enough to attract widespread public attention.
Once Cahill's antics were brought to the public's attention, it would be easy to show that he was totally dishonest and unscrupulous.
The facts and statistics are all there and most of them come straight from the police themselves.
I don't think anyone would believe that Cahill didn't know the facts, when they are publicly available.
If anything, he should have had even better information than the general public.
There's just no excuse for him to be running around spreading lies wherever he can when he has full access to the truth.
I wish more people knew the sort of malice and dishonesty we are up against.
Here's hoping, I guess.
"An experienced shooter of limited skill and dangerous enthusiasm." -Hitman: Blood Money newspaper
I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. I'm not stating any opinion on McDonald's as a business. That isn't really relevant here.
I'm just using it as a standard for comparison here as it is ubiquitous. Everyone is familiar with McDonalds and how prevalent it is.
Thank you, I will add West Shell Sports to the list.
However, this list includes only retail stores that sell firearms, so Waitaki Engineering will not be included.
"An experienced shooter of limited skill and dangerous enthusiasm." -Hitman: Blood Money newspaper