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Hi, I just bought a new Lithgow LA 101 in .17 HMR caliber. I am pleased with the finish on the gun, and it shoots well, but disappointed with the creepy trigger. Reviews I read said the trigger was heavy, but crisp.
I haven't found that to be the case, its fairly heavy, but not crisp, and has a lot of creep. I have ordered a lighter trigger spring from high velocity hunting in Australia, which hasn't arrived yet, but now it seems I will have a light creepy trigger
if I change the spring only.
Has anyone on here got one of these rifles, and if so, have you done, or can you suggest any mods to improve the trigger creep ?
Also, they come with a 5 round mag, which feeds perfectly, and are supposed to accept CZ magazines, so I bought a CZ 452 10 round mag, and it wont clip in properly, only the front part clips in, and the rear is loose so cant be used.
Anyone know what the go is with magazines for these ?