You shouldn't have to much of an issue for that kind of money, but the most time and effort should be going into ammo and shooting it heap in the field.
I run a Remington Model 700 (Browning or Tikka are fine too) in 270WSM - Cost around NZ$1,100
Swap the shitty plastic stock out for a B&C or Boyd (timber is heavier but cheap) - Cost NZ$340 for the B&C or NZ$180 for the Boyd (ex US)
Running a Burris C4 4.5-14x42. Found this very reliable and the glass is good enough(you dont need the very best, regardless of what marketing there is) - Cost me NZ$420 (ex US again)
Removal-able Muzzle Brake. I have a Quadtramax from Dean Maisey - Cost NZ$180 plus fitting
Trigger job or replacement trigger
Ammo. Load you own of course for consistency and fine tuning. I run a 150gn Berger Hunting VLD at 3,160fps
Can shoot 12" steel gongs at 1,000 yards and many tahr and deer out to 700 yards.