I will buck the trend for the Tikka and Howa Winchester mod 70 all weather pre 64 action beautifully made absolute quality lifetime rifle - but such a choice - dont look past some of the older rfiles either - older Remington 700 from eighties and even seventies shot well - Tikka 590 and 690 - quality all the way - many of those older rifles a lot better made - and of course Sako - calibre I am real fan of .270 have run .308 for years - but real choice - if you are only going to use factory ammo then those two will do all you need - 30 cal 7mm cal and the 6.5 cals all will do the job -of those calibres you suggest well 300 BLK no just a short range cartridge 7.62x39 again short range - 223 yes but require good shooting on deer they will kill deer but require well placed shots little margin for error -308 will do everything you need - dont get to hung up on calibre learn to find deer - the latest greatest caliber is nothing without a deer to use it on - just watch out getting something odd ball is ammo available to you for it -