@scoped, should have mentioned that I am at mag limit for 162, so with 284 I would need to single feed, not optimal for gillie comps. Stuck with the short action unless I win the lotto !
I would prefer to stay away from the "consumable" barrel calibers I.e. 6.5-284, saum a etc - then you are looking at 3500-4000 + per barrel at optimal performance. And probably another 500-1000 if you set it back?
Currently running 162 amax at 2345 out of a 20 incher, so assuming 20fps per inch, going up to 26 I should get a good 100-120 fps, by which time the 7mm amax gets pretty close to 6.5 in terms of windage. Longer barrel also means I can experiment with 2213c etc.
@Bagheera @Gillie ... Wise words from your side ?