You might not need new spring set though it'd help. If needed, send Mcarbo an email - DeltaMike in Inver were trying to import some sets..
Don't cut any more off hammer spring - common cause of light striking. What precisely is key issue? Light striking causing fail to fire (FTF)?, or lower powered subs unable to push bolt back enough and causing fail to load consistently (FTL). Question - does it FTF with high velocity like CCI minimags or only subs? Here's a quick reference for troubleshooting Marlin semis I popped on Rimfirecentral 10-15 years ago:
PM sent - if needed call me on number given but check RFC reference first. And Zimmer's reminder about the wee ejection wire angle is a good one - esp if problem is fail to eject (FTE).
Cheers Mike