Has anyone had any first hand experience with the M18? It's one of very few rifles I'm able to buy in 30-06 brand new. Reviews seem to rate them well above average, but what's your thoughts? As a general carry around rifle
Has anyone had any first hand experience with the M18? It's one of very few rifles I'm able to buy in 30-06 brand new. Reviews seem to rate them well above average, but what's your thoughts? As a general carry around rifle
Nothing wrong with them. Great stock. Excellent trigger. Well made. Accurate. On the heavy side. No after market stocks available to lighten them up (trigger guard is part of the stock and the bedding system makes it tricky). Mine in 6.5prc was excellent. Only moved it on cos I was disappointed with the caliber.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
What was wrong with the caliber? Just asking as im considering a 6.5 again and ive had a 6.5CM before and know it well, but never a PRC. Its between those 2 for me at the moment but ive got all the reloading stuff for the CM sk if PRC is a waste of time then ill just get a CM.
Purpose will be hunting, at longer ranges
If you can't kill it with bullets, dont f*ck with it.
I like mine. It's in .308. Seems to shoot well. Like the last guy said, there's minimal aftermarket mods for it. I'd buy another. I've watched a fair few reviews on it and they all are pretty fair. Mine feeds and cycles really smoothly.
If you do have any issues, not many people know much about them. Also, m18 is a really common metric thread size, so googling m18 bolt for example doesn't bring back relevant Info
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Yup as other's have said, great rifles for the $$$, I'd be more than happy to have one again but yes as Wayne pointed out the mag in 223 is by far their worst feature, but in med - long action no worries at all, go for gold
Shoot it, root it & then BBQ it !!!
There are no perfect women in this world yet we all(apart from you know what I mean)want one.
when dating in search of the perfect woman...if and when you do actually find Mrs Right triple check as her first name will probably be Always.and we all know how that turns out.
but yeah smokey is correct...just like women..or men....rifles is a personal choice..what is the perfect rifle for me will suck for someone else and vice versa...... EG a T3 in 6.5costmore gives me the screaming shits...others spoof over them.
75/15/10 black powder matters
i had one, liked it, zippy sound from the bolt when worked, not a lot of after-market options tho. for the price i'd recommend it. cheap n cheerful
Good, Fast, Cheap....choose any 2.
I've got 2 of them in 223 and 7mmRM.
Big fan of the factory trigger, rate them on par with my tikkas.if not slightly better
Wouldn't hesitate in buying another
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