Mauser Oberndorf Original sporting rifle parts
So after some time and due to the excellent folk on here @Lucky and @Bundook I now have a bolt (the correct intermediate "sporter bolt" unfortunately with an altered bolt handle but restoarble) and a new 7x57 barrel.
These were pretty special rifles in their day (sorta 1900 to 1930s in NZ) and were extremely expensive, hence mostly the preserve of weathly people who didn't shoot them a lot - typical would be the one that popped up on here several years ago that was owned by the Surgeon Sir Gordon Bell ( @gundoc was the vendor) . The one I have is a few serial numbers from the Bell rifle but as rough as guts - dang!.
Anyhoo I'm now on the hunt for the barrel furniture that these rifles came with, rear tangent sight, foresight and band, sling swivel band. So if anybody can think where some of this stuff might be lurking let me know eh?