Hey all are the hunters edge carbon stocks same shape and dimensions as standard rem?
Hey all are the hunters edge carbon stocks same shape and dimensions as standard rem?
I am pretty sure that the 'default' Hunters Edge stock has dimensions similar but not necessarily identical to a Remington ADL/BDL. If you want me to actually measure I am happy to compare (I've got several of both the McMillan HE stocks and Remington factory stocks)
However, McMillan will make most of their stocks with 'Edge technology' - I've also got one for a Tikka T3 in a Sako Hunter shape and have another for a Vixen on order.
If I were buying a stock for a Remington now I'd seriously look at the recently released Rem 700 version of the Kiwi Composites (now Southfort Labs) through NZ Hunter (Greg Duley) - I think also able to be ordered through H&F. I've got a T3 version on another Tikka and am extremely impressed with it - I personally think it is better than the McMillan. Have a look at the back of the latest NZ Hunter magazine.
In all honesty, the finish is a little variable (compared to the NZ Hunter/Kiwi Composites/Southfort versions I have referred to) and as Mikee has noted, they are a little low in the comb - I use extra low Talley mounts which fit most x40 scopes just fine but I wouldn't want to go any higher than mediums. The NZ Hunter version solves this problem, is much better finished, and from memory is a little bit better set up in the foreend for a bipod too.
One other thing to note - on my last McMillan order I was also told they are no longer doing the clear/see through coat too (which is popular in NZ). So that leaves you with either a marble/in-built finish (which is what have gone with) or paint - which are fine but something to think about.
In addition, McMillan's are getting very, very expensive...
Personally I find them too low in the comb so its hard to keep your head on the stock when shooting
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Look at Ken Hendersons stocks, they have a great fit and feel, comb is good on them and they are a better design than the Southfort labs stocks as the entire barrel channel is enclosed carbon fibre so theyre a lot stronger and the edges wont chip away or come away from the foam on them, plus theyre lighter. I have had them all and now just stick to Kens stocks, got one on my Sako 85 and new rifle being built with one also.
My Ken Henderson Stock has a more "Budget" Version of the same thing on my McMillan as I could only find second hand cardboard. Both rifles would be / are fine with my 2-8VX3 but I have ended up using them for "plate shooting" so hence they both wear bigger glasses.
Both are excellent stocks but I would put neither on a dedicated long range rig as you end up lifting your head off the stock trying to ge the proper sight picture (well I do) which is usually followed by a miss
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
The comb on my McMillan couldn’t be any higher or else the bolt would hit it. It’s an nz hunter version, so I guess that’s one of the differences over the standard hunters edge.
You all must have tiny little heads
The nzhunter version does have the higher comb like MSL mentioned but Greg Duley didn't have any in stock last time I spoke with him, it looks to me that the manners eh6 and eh8 etc would be an improvement as they have good comb height etc only problem is getting them