Good point, it could be drawing more moisture into the safe if the damp rid is sucking the air dry inside.
Ive seen a light bulb used in the safe at our local rifle club, so perhaps warmth puts off the growth too?
I wouldnt want it too warm inside the safe, your right about it potentially causing issues with scopes if it was too hot.
My parents put a DVS in their house and it got rid of all their condensation instantly. The thing is though that if the air outside is humid, its not going to really help, but the theory is that constantly replacing the air is what drys everything out.
Its mostly just white film appearing on the wooden parts over a few days, it wipes off easily enough.
Ive put plastic behind the safe and on the floor below the safe.
I wonder if it would help if i could put some sort of foam seal on the door itself, could that help?