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DPT Alpine

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  • 16 Post By nor-west

Thread: Motorcycle workshop steps up

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Motorcycle workshop steps up

    In New Zealand we are spoilt with availability to gunsmiths and machinists who can/will work on firearms, imagine being in a place where even questioning a government decision can result on you loosing your firearms license for dissent, it happens here in W.A Australia.

    Anyway I had purchased this little WW Greener in .222 rimmed, got the load from previous owner (24 grains of W748 and 50 grain speer) trigger leaf spring needs tweaking to get a good let off ( in hand involves a hacksaw blade) but I wanted to be able to look down and clean the bore, I tried to get a gunsmith drill a hole in the back of the frame, nope no go, not allowed etc, my mate said let's try the Mutto Guzzi workshop where they have lathes and milling machines, 10 minures later all done they even want a photo of completed rifle to put on their 'honours board" and can we come shoot it please, total cost, nothing the shop foreman is happy for the guys to do something new and different
    Maca49, 308, FRST and 13 others like this.
    I'm trying to get to heaven before they shut the door.



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