wonder how the factory hotter ammunition would go in longer faster twist barrel..... would sure be interesting to know..Im picking it would be nipping on heels of other cartridges more usually used longish range.
wonder how the factory hotter ammunition would go in longer faster twist barrel..... would sure be interesting to know..Im picking it would be nipping on heels of other cartridges more usually used longish range.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Bro, by your own admission (over and over and over again) this thread is really not in your wheel house, so maybe park your opinion for a change. Might be nice for one to run for a bit without your input.
Not saying you are not entitled to an opinion, or that it’s wrong. More, maybe read the room a bit and pass on this one. You know, for a change.
I find the quickest way to get involvement from someone is say something incorrect.
people love proving each other wrong
threads without involvement die quiet deaths and noone learns anything
its pretty dog shit to tell someone directly on a forum that it would be better if they didnt contribute