Does a sling hook onto the bipod directly? i.e similar in sime way to harris style attachment?
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Does a sling hook onto the bipod directly? i.e similar in sime way to harris style attachment?
Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
I too have had both backlanz and MTN gear bipods and I am halfway through a direct comparison video to throw up on YouTube
If you want to have a look at the MTN bipod I did a little unpacking video here
It seems somehow the audio has gone from the video halfway through for some reason.
Anyway I have now sold the backlanz bipod and gone to the MTN
It has more versatility on the hill and doesn’t flop round when you apply forward pressure on your rifle when shooting
I too have no ties to either company and have used both.
MTN has a specific pic rail with a sling hook. Sling does not hook to bipod directly
Yes. The bipod clips on and off the short picatinny with a quick button push. The bipod has a little bit of fore and aft "rock" built in and I found by just applying a light preload that this allows similar recoil movement as if using sling or pack support making it easy to shoot accurately.
Am i right in saying the backlanz has no cant like a harris?
@burtonator how has this bipod gone in the field? I have Spartan Hunt TAC. How would it compare to that? Cheers
Hi, what model MTN bipod is everyone using? Seems a bit of price difference between Mountain and Back Country models. Is it worthwhile paying the difference? Thanks
I liked the prototype Mountain Bipod ive been testing since before the release so much I brought a new one full price even though I could have just kept the prototype indefinitely. I really like the leg spread as a height adjustment function and the way the pan always acts at 90 to the rifle as a function.
I veiw the Mountain as a ultralight bipod and increased functionality vs any other options available and the backcountry as a ultralight version with pretty much the same/marginally more functionality of current options and a wee bit of a cost savings.
They are expensive but compared to the likes of similar target oriented bipods with similar functionality they actually end up cheaper. To me the difference is worth it but if you primarily hunt nice rolling flat country the perks of the Mountain might not be so apparent. I couldn't go back now though.
Hi team, if interested check out these info videos we have done for the updated bipods. Any specific questions, feedback, suggestions etc let me know.