Thanks for bringing your rifles out Chris! What a pleasure to shoot too! I recon I'm spoiled for life now.
Here are a few more pics and some data:
This is a 338 can that mounts on the AI Brake. It averaged 140.4 at the muzzle and 132 at the ear. Weight is around 265 grams, 233 OAL and 44.7mm OD.
This is the 300 WinMag can on the same kind of AI Brake. It is about 240 grams 233 OAL and 41.2mm OD. It metered 141.6 at the muzzle and 131 at the ear. With the brake only it was 174 at the muzzle.
Also tested them on the 308 and both cans were around 134 at the muzzle. I have a couple of small improvements to make but I have to say, these were comfortable to shoot without earpro and the recoil was negligible.
After testing these I am not sure about making the 300 winmag can. The 338 can does everything and runs as quiet for the 308 so I don't see the point. I have a lot of data to proceed with future mag can design. Thanks again for the help, Chris!