That's what I was thinking, wouldn't be surprised to hear of suppressors blowing up.. maybe an ultta magnum suppressor may work?
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That's what I was thinking, wouldn't be surprised to hear of suppressors blowing up.. maybe an ultta magnum suppressor may work?
This is limited by not having the correct cartridges and not knowing what propellants are being used, but the answer to "will it be harder on suppressors" might not be quite so clear cut, based on GRT...
7mm Rem Mag (similar capacity to 7PRC), 175gr ELD-X, 24" barrel @ 62,000psi using H1000/AR2217: muzzle velocity 2940fps, muzzle pressure: 17,101psi
Attachment 266570
280 (similar capacity to 7BC, I think), 175gr ELD-X, 20" barrel @ 80,000psi using Reloder 26 (which I heard Federal bought up all they could get their hands on before Alliant sidelined the civilian market), muzzle velocity: 2941, muzzle pressure: 17619psi
Attachment 266572
The Spooner vid is with using a suppressor.
I’m pleased to see a reputable player taking a novel or different approach to stretching the ballistic envelope & giving the boys at Hornady a run for their money. Especially if you run the 20in bbl option. The idea of using significantly higher pressure but less powder than magnums definitely has appeal. Whether existing actions & suppressors can handle those pressures on routine basis is a bit of unknown. But no doubt some one will solve these issues in due course. And brakes will be a big help or must if you want to run a light weight LR hunting set up. I’d also want to see more info on the reloading requirements. Would not want to be stuck with factory ammo option only.
I think this cartridge is being aimed solely at hunters who buy a factory rifle and factory ammo, shoot a few boxes a year and that’s it.
Which likely is 90% of the hunting market in the USA.
For handloaders this will need to have other “brass” sources or it won’t be appealing at all.
Even then it doesn’t offer any real benefit over 7PRC (or similar) other than burning a little less powder, but it’s unsure what the repercussions of that pressure will be.
This cartridge will live or die based on why factory rifles it comes in and the supply of ammo.
If the supply of ammo dries up, or has any issues then this cartridge will die very quickly.
Basically if they can do a Hornady (good factory rifles, ammo and support for handloaders) I can see it being an interesting option, if they don’t do that then there is no way it’ll last.
It’s interesting they’re advertising it being available in both very cheap rifles (Savage) and very expensive custom rifles (Gun Werks, Proof Research).
Short barrel magnum performance?
This may sound quite predictable coming from me but nothing better than a hand loaded 7mm saum in a 20 inch barel!
Where federal could be at a big advantage, is to become the second 270 SiG fury supplier to the US army.
That would be a big win for them if they can get a contract.
So basically it could be the equivalent of the 280 vs 270 but compared to the 277 fury.
Would make sense once that is main stream for a while.
Military calibres historically do well especially in the US if they work.
Maybe beating the 277 to the punch.
Getting a hot 7mm based on the hot 270 case before it properly hits civvie street
Of note in the Spomer review.
The cases are reloadable albeit with increased case prep.= annealing??
Lighter powder charge but use of faster burning powder=pressure increase
Barrel erosion is more a factor of how much powder being burned, more flame rather than the pressure increase.
Reduced bolt thrust as that was a relationship to brass flow.
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Shoot2hunt on YouTube have a video around this, they seem to have information regarding reloading, seems the cases can't be annealed, and it takes like a dozen passes through the sizing die to size these cases apparently... may be wrong in this as I was falling asleep listening to them harp on