Some good info but few things they absolutely do not clarifies or correct:
-the first Hornady batches were loaded way too hot, nothing to do with how clean people clean their bore and variability in custom rifle chambering, this bit of writing sounds like a copy and past of Hornady marketing BS...
-then they got 6 firing of one same Hornady case and this seems enough of a test for them to disregard online reports about Hornady 7prc brass issues. It just shows how inconsistent Hornady brass is, some/a few brass I used were fine with 6 firing, others/most were blowing primer at the third reload.
You also have to be aware that Hornady is a major sponsor of Nz Hunter.
Those have had anything to with magazine tech/gear reports will be aware that even if something is a turd no one will say it.
Need to be clear this is not a go at the Duleys they do more good for nz hunting than anyone else
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Thanks for alerting us to that tahr.
Greg Duley is good at a lot of things and writing about big 7mms is certainly one of them.
That article is a good run down on the similar cartridges and the technical reasons for the 7mm PRC design and chamber/barrel specs.
So far he has only reported on a quick test of factory ammo in one factory rifle.
Like others, I was a bit unimpressed with a case failing after only 6 reloads (having got 15 so far from my 7mm08 and still going strong).
He promises to explore reloading potential in a couple of future articles.
I came across an interesting post on the web site (search for: " 65-creedmoor-vs-65-prc-hunting " ).
Sako's advice is that the 6.5 Creedmore is very easy to find a good load for, while the 6.5 PRC does have good potential but is difficult.
I wonder if this is what we'll see with the 7mm PRC ?
At present, the 7mm PRC is largely the province of custom rifle builds and Hornady factory ammo brass, so we can expect erratic performance, sometimes stellar and sometimes random. I see a lot of advantage in a factory rifle.
Once there is a Sako 90 Peak in 7mm PRC and Lapua brass, I'll strongly consider it. For now, I'm window shopping.
@Bagheera that's gonna be very light for a stout calibre, be a fair bit of extra kick to it I imagine? Or do you mean with a brake ?
Along the lines of with fat cartridge such as a saum wsm u need a fat action with a 1.06” diameter barrel tenon or you’ll get sticky extraction before u get to 65,000 psi. T3 only has a 1”tenon and apparently not suited for fatter cases like 270 wsm (T3 chambered this i think be interesting to hear what 270wsm owners have got sticky xtract?)