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Thread: New Illegal Police Firearm Policy

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by mikee View Post
    I'm getting the popcorn ready while i watch all the different firearm using "groups" lining up to throw each other "under the bus" while defending their own chosen hobby.

    The "evil black guns" are first on the list and will be followed by ALL Semi-auto's, then Manually operated rifles with detachible mags then bolt action rifles and so on and so on. History says this will be the case.

    These are the "good old days" and I reckon you need to make the most of them cause by the time people under stand that this is happening it will be too late
    And then we'll do what our kuzzies in OZ did--- give the hua's a very long upright index finger, just like Digit's one, and the okkers buried their semi's and bought up all the reloading gear that they could get their hands on!!! and the 6" & 8" pvc pipe to go with it.
    Natatale and Steve123 like this.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natatale View Post
    Hmm that maybe your way at looking at it, but there certainly hasn't been any Port Arthur type Massacres since !! and that has to be a good thing !!!

    You need to have a bit of a study of the Port Arthur scenario. There hasn't been another one since because THAT one achieved Howard-the Coward's pre-conceived plan "to bring in new gun laws in Oz". He already had the new laws drawn up BEFORE Port Arthur happened. What a coincidence!!!! & I don't believe in them things.!!!
    Tommy likes this.

  3. #33
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natatale View Post
    Hmm that maybe your way at looking at it, but there certainly hasn't been any Port Arthur type Massacres since !! and that has to be a good thing !!!
    Define "Port Arthur type massacre".

  4. #34
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    Middle Earth
    Wasn't Natatale the ozy guy who wanted only ex military guys to own mssa because they had been " trained" with them?
    veitnamcam, Tommy and Jexla like this.

  5. #35
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    COLFO are apparently aware of the situation and moving to react to it. Lawyer Nicholas Taylor is also in contact with police.

  6. #36
    Member Natatale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friwi View Post
    Wasn't Natatale the ozy guy who wanted only ex military guys to own mssa because they had been " trained" with them?
    Get it right, I said "Military style weapons should be for those vetted and trained to use them. not just any, tom, dick or dickhead".
    What does it matter anyway the government of the day will do what ever it f@#k'n pleases !!!! good luck trying to change their minds.
    Any f@#k'n massacre don't play with words.
    We just had 3 major one's worldwide all with military style weapons, and if you listen carefully to the sound track's from these live news items, you can hear high-powered semi-automatic gun fire in the background.
    Did you want the to hear that sound in your local shopping mall as well ???? I don't think so !!!
    F@#k'n grow up, the world we live in just got nasty, and you'd be one that puts his head in the sand and says "I'm right mate wont happen here"

  7. #37
    Member Natatale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by top gun View Post

    You need to have a bit of a study of the Port Arthur scenario. There hasn't been another one since because THAT one achieved Howard-the Coward's pre-conceived plan "to bring in new gun laws in Oz". He already had the new laws drawn up BEFORE Port Arthur happened. What a coincidence!!!! & I don't believe in them things.!!!
    And Man landed on the moon, or did he ???, and oh 911 was a setup by the American Government to declare war on terrorism ???, show us the proof behind any of it !!!!
    Lots of theories thrown around by journalists and theory crackpots, we will never Know the truth behind any of it !!!!

  8. #38
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natatale View Post
    Hmm that maybe your way at looking at it, but there certainly hasn't been any Port Arthur type Massacres since !! and that has to be a good thing !!!
    Quote Originally Posted by stretch View Post
    Define "Port Arthur type massacre".
    Quote Originally Posted by Natatale View Post
    Any f@#k'n massacre don't play with words.
    I was hoping you'd make some distinction between " types" of massacre. There's been plenty before and after Port Arthur. Digging into the firearms related ones on this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...s_in_Australia, only two others were committed with semi-autos (including an evil SKS). Others were committed with bolt actions, pistols, and pump-action shotguns, knives, and fire.

    The common factor is an unhinged perpetrator(s) wanting to do harm to others. Take away one means, and they'll find another way to achieve their goal.

    Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk

  9. #39
    Member Natatale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stretch View Post
    I was hoping you'd make some distinction between " types" of massacre. There's been plenty before and after Port Arthur. Digging into the firearms related ones on this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...s_in_Australia, only two others were committed with semi-autos (including an evil SKS). Others were committed with bolt actions, pistols, and pump-action shotguns, knives, and fire.

    The common factor is an unhinged perpetrator(s) wanting to do harm to others. Take away one means, and they'll find another way to achieve their goal.

    Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
    Yep and if you read, all were Domestic disputes gone violent, not crazies going about random shooting, or terrorist style killings.
    Yep take one type of weapon and there will be another way, but don't you think its worth trying to do something, rather than do nothing ?!?!?

  10. #40
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    Apr 2014
    New Zealand is not the police state that Aussie is Natatale. If you knew the history of our firearms legislation you would know that when the government tried to introduce the Arms Amendment Bill No.2, which suggested firearms registration, 6500 submissions to parliament, the most in the history of the country, were sent in telling them to get stuffed. They had to run extra sessions for all the people who demanded to be heard in person. That bill was kicked aside. We have taken the police to court and won when they tried to make the law up around MSSA's and on other matters. We can guide the government when we try, like any lobby group.
    kotuku, Tommy, Sasquatch and 1 others like this.

  11. #41
    Member Natatale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krameranzac View Post
    New Zealand is not the police state that Aussie is Natatale. If you knew the history of our firearms legislation you would know that when the government tried to introduce the Arms Amendment Bill No.2, which suggested firearms registration, 6500 submissions to parliament, the most in the history of the country, were sent in telling them to get stuffed. They had to run extra sessions for all the people who demanded to be heard in person. That bill was kicked aside. We have taken the police to court and won when they tried to make the law up around MSSA's and on other matters. We can guide the government when we try, like any lobby group.
    Ok so time will tell on that one, again so far this is all just hear say so far, nothing has been seen in writing

  12. #42
    Member Banana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natatale View Post
    Get it right, I said "Military style weapons should be for those vetted and trained to use them. not just any, tom, dick or dickhead".
    You've said a lot more than that.

    military style semi-auto weapons aren't safe in civilian hands, they were made for War and Killing on mass.
    Having semi auto 7.62 readably available to ANY person with a FAL is a recipe for a mass shooting.
    And tell me what the fuck do you need with a semi auto 7.62, would you use it to stop a charging mob of goats from killing you ???
    There are places for these types of weapons and NZ doesn't really need them !!
    And here's the kicker.

    Spanners, veitnamcam, 199p and 7 others like this.

  13. #43
    Member Natatale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Banana View Post
    You've said a lot more than that.

    And here's the kicker.
    And your point is ?????? Still comes down to what I have said and will say again "Vetted and Trained person" F@#k is that too hard too understand !!!!!

  14. #44
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    There's just not enough cotton wool in the world to do its job!
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    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  15. #45
    Member jim160's Avatar
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    And we digress from the original topic.
    We will have to wait and see what happens and be prepared to act on what the police say is going to happen. We can consider possible scenarios and prepare for them.

    Everyone knows that aside from Aromoana and Napier, and maybe the odd other one, firearms have had little involvement in homicides. Knives and other weapons seem to be the choice.

    So let's use this as a way of brainstorming of how we can deal with whatever may happen.

    My thoughts anyway.



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