Nightforce won't release an optic until it is totally sure it will perform and Stand up to its highest standards hence people still want to buy scopes from the nxs line of optics that must be nearly a 15 yr old line.
I can't really think of any other scope manufacture that can say that except probably s&b with their pm11
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To be honest all quality scopes are good enough, just some better than others
I used to rate the kahles but mate had trouble with his and two trips to europe and still not sorted.
I haven't played with the kahles latest offerings but no doubt they are very good as all tier one scopes should be.
I still have 6x24x56 15yearold zeiss diavari tactical.
It has its design faults but it is some of the most amazing low light Glass I have ever looked through ever.
Jury is out on what's tougher.
Send me a video of you smacking a spike into wood with your kahles and see how that goes.
Drunk one night I was smashing cans with a nxs crushing them.
Woke up inthe morning thinking what have idone but it was absolutely fine.
I have video some where.
On the piss after a gun buy back event.
We all have choices and choose what ever we perceive will do the job for what we need.
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My favorite sentences i like to hear are - I suppose so. and Send It!
I agree with you that Zeiss are pretty amazing in low light. From ones I have compared / used I think that they beat all others. The East German Zeiss are quite something, made for shooting in darkness, as are their binos.
The glass on NF could be better imo. It is good but it is not the very best, not even as good as Delta and they come from the same factory. Perhaps it is not actually the glass but the coatings ? I dont know but I find the colour definition on some scopes - Leupold being the worst, is a bit washed out making it slower to see the animal against it's background. Target type scopes seem to be coated so that they are very clear and easy to see black on white but if used for hunting it is hard to see colours. This is where Swaro has the edge imo. Nightforce seem like a cross over Target / Hunting scope
Most current optics companies haven't existed long enough to have had a scope model for 15+ years.
The current Leupold Mark 3/VX3 scope are similar to the original VX III/Mark 4 line with minor improvements along the way.
The 5-25x56 Tangent Theta and Minox ZP5 are both variants on the old premier 5-25 scope which was a similar age to the NXS.
There's probably some Light Optics Works models that are a similar age. As well as some Sightron/Kenko optics models.
There are probably some old Ziess/Hensoldt and Kahles models also.
The NXS has at least had minor improvements along in the way, with the zero stop and high speed turret options. I'd imagine there has been internal mechanical and glass changes too.
People are still buying 15 year old Nightforces because of the name and they don't know any better. Sure they are still a solid option and there is nothing wrong with them per se, but there's no way I'd pay $3000 (like some people do on Trademe) for a scope with no zero stop and 5mil revolution turrets. That's like used PMII money and the PM2 has aged far better than the NXS line.