The last March I had was like it was built stealing bits off night force and s&b it was truely very very durable the low profile turrets like a vx6 but positive clicks of the others two awsome zerostop system parallax how ever a serious pain in the butt would not recommend it for a bush gun if it wasnt spot on the whole scope was blurry. It was cery easy to tune and super crisp once tuned it actually made it easy to set the parralax no moving the head because as soon as the image came crisp it was spot on. But you had to create the habbit of doing parallax checks ie walking threw the bush to get to a look out you had to remember to shoulder the rifle and focus the parallax on something near or if you bumped an animal and shouldered the rifle and it was set from your last shot their would be no image, every other scope iv had is shootable on any parallax setting. I learnt that habbit but it still really pissed me off