I have both Harris and a Versapod, Harris being exactly like the one that is most popular.
I much much prefer my Harris, I thought the swivelingness of the Versapod would be great and make shooting on uneven ground much better, but I find I just get annoyed at it flopping around everywhere and tighten it up so it's like the Harris.
I prefer the rigidity of the Harris, like that it doesn't angle back and forth, like the much lower weight, and that the whole bipod is quick detachable.
Have never tried an Atlas bipod, they look good, like the leg extention idea, but feel I may get annoyed with it not being rigid the same way I do with the Versapod.
I would say I would rather the 9-13 Harris though, in the field almost never use the lowest setting and always wish I had more height on it.