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Night Vision NZ DPT

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  1. #1
    Member Tommy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Noveske crowfoot 1 1/16" wanted

    These NSR handguards use a double ended barrel nut that doesn't use a standard AR armourers tool to torque/time the barrel nut, rather it uses a crow's foot in 1 1/16" (27mm) like the one pictured. Does anyone in Akl have one I can borrow to get mine on? Or, if out of Auckland I can get it couriered to me and returned to you without too much slobber and chew marks. I could get a spanner in that size and chop it up and weld a 1/2" socket to it, but would rather not if there's an alternative to hacking my spanner up...

    Name:  nsrwrench_1d__20589.1413406288.1280.1280.jpg
Views: 814
Size:  542.1 KB

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Missouri, USA
    If it were me I'd do what you said. Buy the cheapest spanner you could find and cut and weld



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