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Thread: Objecting to Gun Confiscation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Objecting to Gun Confiscation

    I wanted to contribute to fighting the impending gun confiscation scheme, so I've put together a list of the email addresses of every venue that is hosting a "buy-back" event. The ones I could find, at least.

    I have sent emails to every single one of them urging them to cancel the event bookings.
    I've already gotten some responses so the message is getting through.
    If they get dozens or hundreds of similar emails, they may even do the right thing and cancel.
    If we can get just one venue to cancel, it will be a small but important win for us and a step in the right direction for once.

    If you want to help, just write an email stating why you feel these "buy-back" events are wrong and why these venues shouldn't host them. Then copy and paste all the email addresses into the Bcc field and hit send. Don't think that you can't make a difference, because you absolutely can, and here is a great place to start.

    P.S. For anyone who wants to accuse me of doxxing these people, none of these email addresses were private.
    I obtained them all from public web pages, without exception. All I did was gather them together in one place.

    Here you go, and if you want to do more there are some venues that can only be contacted through their websites listed below all the email addresses.

    kenny.terri@xtra.co.nz ; team@bargeshowgrounds.co.nz; info@kerikerisportscomplex.co.nz; farnorthrsa@gmail.com; fish.houhora@xtra.co.nz; sarah_lea63@hotmail.com; shaunkat@hotmail.com; cheryls@sportnorth.co.nz;
    info@aucklandstadiums.co.nz; gm@ponsonbyrugby.co.nz; info@pukekohepark.co.nz; sharksclubrooms@gmail.com; clubhire@papakurarugby.co.nz; reception@thetrustsarena.co.nz; info@edenpark.co.nz; info@kumeushow.co.nz; info@montressors.co.nz;
    info@tearohanz.co.nz; info@mpdc.govt.nz; jeffriesmahoenui@xtra.co.nz; huntlythistleafc@gmail.com;
    cambridgeraceway@gmail.com; dartplayer1963@gmail.com; admin@matamataracingclub.co.nz; sponsor@matamataracingclub.co.nz; bushunited@xtra.co.nz; customer.services@tcdc.govt.nz; waiparacing@vodafone.co.nz; ​​​​​​​ngatearugbysportsclub@gmail.com; stephengooder11@gmail.com; Secretary.thamesrugby@gmail.com; battson01@gmail.com;
    paeroasports@gmail.com; raglanrugbysportsclub@gmail.com; crht@xtra.co.nz; macrae.waitete@xtra.co.nz;
    taupo@vcc.org.nz; secretary@taupovcc.org; tepukesports@gmail.com; eventsandvenues@rdc.govt.nz; contact@swca.co.nz;
    maraekakahocommunityhall@gmailc.om; mangateretere@airnet.net.nz ; mstewartmangateretere@gmail.com; admin@13squadron.co.nz; Waimarama.Hall@gmail.com; office@chbc.school.nz; admin@putorino.school.nz ; principal@tiaho.school.nz ; admin@tepohue.school.nz; principal@tepohue.school.nz; matapirohall@gmail.com; principal@nuhaka.school.nz; principal@makaraka.school.nz; eskviewrugbyclub@gmail.com; office@poukawa.school.nz; principal@poukawa.school.nz; carol@amc.nz; info@napier.govt.nz;
    deanna@raceinc.co.nz; kim@raceinc.co.nz; kate.dench@raceinc.co.nz; alasdair@raceinc.co.nz; info@creativecatering.co.nz; info@wjc.co.nz; bret@wjc.co.nz; anita@wjc.co.nz; events@newplymouthraceway.co.nz; taranakiracing@xtra.co.nz;
    rechawera@gmail.com; dvkap@xtra.co.nz; tracy.fife@xtra.co.nz​; office@nzracing.co.nz; srcnaki@gmail.com; eventscentre@xtra.co.nz;
    races@wellingtonracing.co.nz; venuehire@dogsnz.org.nz ; nob1@xtra.co.nz ; bookings@cookislandssociety.org.nz; chairperson@cookislandssociety.org.nz; vicechair@cookislandssociety.org.nz; treasurer@cookislandssociety.org.nz; secretary@cookislandssociety.org.nz; enquiries@swdc.govt.nz
    foxglaciercdo@xtra.co.nz; manager@endeavourparkpicton.co.nz; kaikouratc@xtra.co.nz; hcaadmin@havelock.co.nz; murchison.centre@gmail.com;
    bwcracing@xtra.co.nz; events@riccartonpark.co.nz; tim@riccartonpark.co.nz; chris@riccartonpark.co.nz; eric@riccartonpark.co.nz; gareth@riccartonpark.co.nz; kimberley.barton@stjohn.org.nz; rcc.enquiries@selwyn.govt.nz; admin@ateventcentre.co.nz; info@jubilee-events.co.nz; scout.guideden@gmail.com; geraldine@group.scouts.nz; waimateeventcentre@waimatedc.govt.nz;
    taierirugby@hotmail.com; rebkev@xtra.co.nz; joni.simpson@cadetforces.org.nz; ian.calder@xtra.co.nz; grannynor100@gmail.com; ceo@gallopsouth.co.nz; hannah@wingatui.co.nz; craigandemmalister@farmside.co.nz; clevauto@xtra.co.nz; deborahjones@xtra.co.nz; stephanie.edwards@anz.com; andersontwinribers@xtra.co.nz; scott.celia@xtra.co.nz; matt.lawlor@xtra.co.nz; office@southlandracing.co.nz; islander@snap.net.nz; j.guise@woosh.co.nz; zolandia@xtra.co.nz; jo@gallopsouth.co.nz; southlandracing@xtra.co.nz; social.committee@marakura.org; commodore@marakura.org; secretary@marakura.org; publicity@marakura.org

    Waipu Rugby Club, Barge Park, Dargaville Rugby Club, Kaeo Rugby Club have contact forms on their websites
    Contact the Far North District Council at ask.us@fndc.govt.nz regarding Kerikeri Sports Complex, Bledisloe Domain and Pavilion, Lindvart Park and Pavilion, and Broadwood A&P Hall.
    Mahurangi Rugby Club has a contact form on their website
    Contact Auckland Council via their website regarding Ormiston Activity Centre and Wellsford Community Centre.
    Claudelands Arena and Otorohanga Sports Club have contact forms on their websites.
    Contact Matamata-Piako District Council via their website regarding Morrinsville Events Centre and Silver Fern Farms Events Centre.
    Contact Whakatane District Council via their website regarding Ohope Hall and Murupara Sports Pavilion Hall.
    Uawa Sports Club has a contact form on their website.
    Contact Napier City Council regarding Meeanee Memorial Hall.
    You can send a text to the management of Bilderbeck Hall at 021 615 062.
    Lawrence Golf Club has a contact form on their website.

    Woody, Moa Hunter, ROKTOY and 2 others like this.
    "An experienced shooter of limited skill and dangerous enthusiasm." -Hitman: Blood Money newspaper

  2. #2
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Good work.
    Cordite and sightpicture like this.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  3. #3
    A Better Lover Than A Shooter Ultimitsu's Avatar
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    Less than 130 km from the sea
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  4. #4
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    It seems more like one mans attempt to assist in the prevention of injustice to me.
    gadgetman, Pengy, Steve123 and 3 others like this.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  5. #5
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    I didnt see any justice being hindered there.
    Just opposition to the confiscation.
    Cordite likes this.
    Use enough gun

  6. #6
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson
    If you consider that the ongoing saga and gun confiscation amounts to justice, then I believe you have twisted view of things to say the least
    stingray, mikee, outlander and 1 others like this.

  7. #7
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    The way I see it is that no-one is writing to encourage anyone to commit any illegal action. Or do you think otherwise?
    outlander likes this.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  9. #9
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve123 View Post
    And if the legislation is un-just?
    In the UK you may resist unlawful arrest, in the USA you don't have that freedom (you can get convicted for resisting arrest of you hold your hands up to protect your head as the night stick blows come a'hammering down on you). Not sure about NZ. But this is not quite about resisting arrest.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  10. #10
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    North Auckland
    Just sent this. thanks @Kiwigunguy for the effort in making that contact list.

    Hi there,

    I am one of many sport shooters who are affected by the recently rushed and poorly written law to ban semi automatics (including many traditional bolt action and pump action sporting guns) from public possession and/or use.

    Surely without bias towards either side of the argument you can see the error in the governments ways of rushing this law through without respectable due process.
    Since when has anything rushed resulted in anything other than a sub standard product?
    The very people who advocated rushing this law through will, when asked about any other parliamentary process tell you that good things take time.
    Jacinda Adern authorised the order in council ​which had already 'saved us' so the only reason to rush this through was to use public emotion to support extreme measures against a 'problem' that exists only in the lala land of media hype and leftism lunacy.

    Am I speaking logic? Or am I rambling, clutching at straws? If you choose the latter then please replace the word 'firearm' and apply this whole issue to some other part of daily life and see how it looks.

    A proper look into the ACTUAL ​statistics will show you a very different story than what the police union and the rest of the mob have been feeding the country. Remember there is always two sides to a story...... Mike Loader has the real statistics AND the evidence to back up his claims, to anyone who can be bothered asking.... Kiwi gun blog is where you will find him.

    Your venue's use as a confiscation (buy back) hub shows your willingness to support ignorant legislation that not only is unfair to so many upstanding citizens of our fine country, but it also indicates that you have zero respect for proper democratic process which should be devoid from emotionally charged rationale.

    I urge you to politely decline use of your venue for this totally unfairly constructed confiscation (buy back).
    Your feedback to the police should include a request for the whole lot to be redone with proper consideration towards legitimate use of semiautomatic rifles (just like pistols).
    We are being nationally ridiculed and shunned by society for our chosen sports and interests and I personally feel this law is an embarrassment to the word democracy.

    veitnamcam, Pengy, Woody and 6 others like this.
    Use enough gun

  11. #11
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Done letter to all the emails. Not the contacts listed at the bottom of Kiwigunguy's posting.

    I'm exhausted, still jet lagged, if someone could dig out the web addresses for the last ones that would help me to cut and paste into the contact forms on those web sites. Thanks.
    40mm likes this.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Thank you guys so much for your help. It means a lot to me.
    Cordite, I'm sorry but I did search far and wide for those other emails.
    The entire list was probably 10 hours work.
    Cordite likes this.
    "An experienced shooter of limited skill and dangerous enthusiasm." -Hitman: Blood Money newspaper

  13. #13
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    North Auckland
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwigunguy View Post
    Thank you guys so much for your help. It means a lot to me.
    Cordite, I'm sorry but I did search far and wide for those other emails.
    The entire list was probably 10 hours work.
    The Waimarama Hall sent me this:
    Waimarama Hall <waimarama.hall@gmail.com>
    Fri 5/07/2019 9:19 PM
    Hello David. I have no idea what you are talking about. We run a general store and our business has nothing to do with the Waimarama Hall.

    Please re direct your emails to the correct place.

    Thank you.

    Otherwise I got two bounce back and am awaiting the flood of apologetic emails proclaiming how wrong they were!
    Cordite likes this.
    Use enough gun

  14. #14
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Got one back from a school, they were a small place in the middle of the country, reckoned only 3 firearms would be collected from known persons within few hundred metres of the school, so they had decided to stay with the scheme, in fairness after a lot of soul searching.

    In the end I think it will be down to individuals who just do the online form and tell the cops, as I don't get petrol money to attend your glorious event, please be advised they are in my safe, please make an appointment at a mutually agreed time to collect my property since you are the ones who want this, and I still expect due compensation. And put out cameras to film them as they turn up dressed in black like some Nazi tank regiment.
    40mm, outlander and mimms like this.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  15. #15
    Member Ground Control's Avatar
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    Why is this in Firearms , Optics and Accessories .
    There is a whole forum section devoted to the stupidity that is being forced upon us , why have this here .
    I have recently started just viewing the forum logged out so that the politics , frustration and stupidity of our situation doesn’t
    Intrude into my enjoyment of this forum and the reason I come here .
    Over the last months I realise my viewing here has turned into nothing more than a type of newsfeed addiction trying to keep up with what is happening and actual shooting and hunting has taken a second place .
    I have really enjoyed viewing the forum without the turmoil of the ( firearm new laws section)
    Please don’t bring it here and spoil my tranquility
    dogmatix, Konev and Bill999 like this.



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