Their muzzle foward right?
Their muzzle foward right?
They are now.. all the new ones are muzzle forward.
I cant keep up with them.. they seem to constantly be changing them and developing something "better".
Personally I'm not a fan. They are 3-4 times the price of a good alloy over barrel, they are no quieter than any other suppressor and IMO (and Hardy's) the DPT and Hardy are quieter. They are not actually that light, titanium is a heavier material than the alloy used by dpt and Hardy and if all things were equal wit the Oceania muzzle cans eg diameter and length/internal volume etc they would actually be much heavier.
They are strong where it counts and can cope with sustained full auto for which is why they have been tested by over seas defence agencies but that is of no use to us.
The reason they dont make a larger over barrel unit is mostly because of the cost of printing it.
While the tech is cool I'm not a fan of the gritty finish and the odd looking raised twist patern on the outside of the can. It just looks wrong.
The price tag doesnt reflect a 3x better suppressor than others so I for one will continue to use DPTs and Hardies.
When I bought mine they were not even twice what a Hardy was, actually my first one was only a couple of hundred dollars more than a Hardy at the time as someone had used it as a demo.
Maybe they have gone up in price and Hardies down? I'm guessing you probably shoot from a bipod? If your are trying to shoot unsupported that extra weight saving not on end of barrel I find a massive difference to being able to hold steady.